| Digital Rental Deal: Twilight Saga: Eclipse |
Twilight Saga: Eclipse is available as a digital rental all this weekend for only $1.99 through Amazon’s Video On Demand.
This deal is valid through Sunday, February 19, 2011, until midnight PST. Once you activate the rental through Amazon’s Video On Demand service, you’ll have access to the movie for 48 hours. If you’re interested in purchasing the digital version, the cost is $14.99. Also, if you’d like to own a physical copy of the movie, the following editions of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse are part of Amazon’s “Buy This DVD and Watch it Instantly” program: 2-Disc Special Edition DVD, Single-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo, and Single-Disc Blu-ray. That means with the purchase of any version, you will be able to watch the movie instantly through Amazon’s Video On Demand (see more details about this below). Also available as a $1.99 digital rental this weekend are The A-Team, The Expendables, and Knight and Day. These three selections have a 24-hour rental access time frame.
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| Deal: ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ |
The digital rental deal of the day is Twilight Saga: Eclipse available for rental for only $.99.
This deal is valid only for today, Friday, December 31, 2010, until midnight PST. Once you activate the rental through Amazon’s Video On Demand service, you’ll have access to the movie for 48 hours. If you’re interested in purchasing the digital version, the cost is $14.99. Also, if you’d like to own a physical copy of the movie, all four editions of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse are part of Amazon’s “Buy This DVD and Watch it Instantly” program. That means with the purchase of any version, you will be able to watch the movie instantly through Amazon’s Video On Demand (see more details about this below). For a limited time, Amazon is offering $8 off the purchase of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse on DVD and Blu-ray. Enter the claim code TWILIGHT at check out for the discount. The 2-Disc Special Edition DVD, Single-Disc DVD, Single-Disc Blu-ray/DVD Combo, and Single-Disc Blu-ray editions are all eligible for the discount. The coupon code can only be used once per customer.
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| Watch Now: Clip From ‘Twilight Saga: Eclipse’ DVD With Commentary One of the most talked-about scenes in Twilight Saga: Eclipse was when Bella huddles up to Jacob for warmth in a tent while Edward sits by having to watch his love in another man’s arms. When the freezing Bella (Kristen Stewart) falls asleep, the werewolf Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and the vampire Edward (Robert Pattinson) have an unintentionally amusing heart-to-heart.
You can now watch that scene with audio commentary, which will be included in the special features on the upcoming DVD and Blu-ray release (out on December 4, 2010). Watch the clip here below. Stewart and Pattinson provide the joking audio commentary, so don’t expect to actually here any dialogue from the film, though most die-hard fans already knows what’s being said.
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| Twilight: The Team Edward or Team Jacob Debate |
Last week saw the release of the third Twilight film The Twilight Saga: Eclipse, which, not surprisingly, turned up huge numbers at the box office. Yes, the fans are loyal, but there’s one thing that divides them: which side they are on, Team Edward or Team Jacob.
Recently, I was invited by Geekosystem to participate in a feature where they asked prominent geeks [their words] to chose a side — Team Edward or Team Jacob — and explain why. There was also the option to remain neutral, but I took that to mean that you were unable to decide, not that you didn’t want to decide. So, I picked a side. Unlike some of my fellow participants [I’m talking to you, Warren Ellis], I took my assignment quite seriously, even though I wouldn’t consider myself a fan of the Twilight series (although, I’m not a ‘hater’ — I, of all people, can appreciate obsession [hello, Star Wars/Star Trek]). Since this issue is being debating worldwide and has been popping up all over the news (no, seriously, look), I thought it time that I address it. I can’t imagine there’s anyone left on the planet that doesn’t already know the story of Twilight and what Team Edward/Jacob means, but for the five of you out there, before I delve into my argument, here’s the deal (oh, and SPOILERS) so far…
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| Movie Review: The Twilight Saga: Eclipse |
By The Rub
| July 2nd, 2010 at 12:18 pm |
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
Directed by David Slade
Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Rated PG-13
Release date: June 30, 2010
Hailing The Twilight Saga: Eclipse the best of the series isn’t the ringing endorsement it sounds. Hearing that won’t change the minds of any non-believers and if you are already among the following, you aren’t one that needs converting. It most certainly is, but it’s a pretty relative statement. I have always taken the stance of non-participation in the popular recreation of Twilight bashing. Attacking the mob mentality of these zealots is a bandwagon that would be easy to jump on, but Lord knows I liked some awful movies when I was younger, so I’ve always given the series a fair shake. They haven’t been great, in fact they have been downright ugly at times, but I can see why so many fans like them. A little. Eclipse starts off pretty promising. Dark and raining in Seattle, a young man is being chased and hunted by something. This is the first time in this series I got the sense that vampires are dangerous and anything but sparkly and cuddly. It turns out to be Victoria (Bryce Dallas Howard), who is still hellbent on exacting revenge on Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson) for killing her boyfriend James in the first film. Her plan is to find and kill Bella (Kristen Stewart), presumably so Edward can feel what she felt when her boyfriend died. The young man ends up being a college student from Forks, Riley Biers (Xavier Samuel), who is turned and tricked by Victoria into helping her assemble an army of newborn vampires to help take down Bella and the Cullen vampire clan.
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