| ‘The Batman’ Adds Recent Juilliard Graduate Jayme Lawson To Cast![Jayme Lawson Jayme Lawson]()
Matt Reeves‘ The Batman has been making some big-name casting news in recent weeks with actors like Zoe Kravitz, Paul Dano, and Jeffrey Wright all joining Robert Pattinson, who will be playing the titular character. Then, just last week, Colin Farrell and Andy Serkis were reported to be in talks to join the upcoming film as well. Now another actor has been cast. However, you may not have heard of her, and there is a reason for that. New reports confirm that Jayme Lawson has joined the film. More on the report below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andy Serkis, Batman, Colin Farrell, DC, DC Films, Jayme Lawson, Jeffrey Wright, Matt Reeves, Paul Dano, Robert Pattinson, The Batman, Warner Brothers, Zoe Kravitz | |
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| ‘The Batman’ Adds Colin Farrell and Andy Serkis As The Penguin and Alfred Pennyworth![Colin Farrell Colin Farrell]()
The cast for Matt Reeves‘ The Batman keeps getting even more exciting with each and every new casting announcement. The film, which is said to explore the Dark Knight’s formative years, will star Robert Pattinson as the titular hero, Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle aka Catwoman, Paul Dano as The Riddler, and Jeffrey Wright as Commissioner Gordon. Now Colin Farrell is in talks to play another villain, The Penguin. Additionally, Andy Serkis is in talks to play Alfred Pennyworth. More on these stories below.
...continue reading » Tags: Andy Serkis, Batman, Colin Farrell, DC, DC Films, Jeffrey Wright, Matt Reeves, Paul Dano, Robert Pattinson, The Batman, Warner Brothers, Zoe Kravitz | |
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| ‘The King’ Trailer: It’s Timothée Chalamet vs Robert Pattinson In Netflix’s Gritty Take On William Shakespeare![The King The King Movie]()
Netflix has released the newest trailer for director David Michôd‘s The King, an adaptation of William Shakespeare‘s Henry IV and Henry V. The film stars Timothée Chalamet as Henry V, a wayward prince and reluctant heir to the English throne who has turned his back on royal life to live amongst the people. He assumes the throne when his father dies, and is forced to engage in an inherited war against The Dauphin (Robert Pattinson). Check out the trailer for The King below.
...continue reading » Tags: Ben Mendelsohn, David Michod, Joel Edgerton, Lily-Rose Depp, Netflix, Robert Pattinson, Sean Harris, The King, Thomasin McKenzie, Timothee Chalamet, William Shakespeare | |
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| Zoe Kravitz Joins ‘The Batman’ As Catwoman![Zoe Kravitz Zoe Kravitz]()
It has been somewhat of a long and winding road for WB’s next Batman standalone film. Considering all of the setbacks that they had to go through and the difficulties launching it with Ben Affleck’s short-lived stint as the character, you can’t really blame the studio for wanting to take a fresh approach. And hopefully, they will be getting that from writer and director Matt Reeves‘ tentatively titled The Batman. The film has already cast Robert Pattinson as the world’s greatest detective, and if all goes according to plan, he will be joined by Jeffrey Wright, who will play Commissioner Gordon, and Jonah Hill who could be playing either the Riddler or the Penguin. But as they get all of their talks straightened out, it looks like the film will be adding a heroine to the mix. According to new reports, Zoe Kravitz will be playing Catwoman. More on that below.
...continue reading » Tags: Batman, DC, DC Extended Universe, DC Films, DCEU, Jeffrey Wright, Jonah Hill, Matt Reeves, Robert Pattinson, The Batman, Warner Brothers, Zoe Kravitz | |
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