Bettie Page: Unbound #1
Written by David Avallone
Art by Julius Ohta
Colors by Ellie Wright
Letters by Taylor Esposito
Covers by John Royal & Mohan, Scott Chantler, David Williams & Kelsey Shannon, Julius Ohta
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: June 5, 2019
Cover Price: $3.99
In the world put forth by Dynamite Entertainment, fetish model and actress Bettie Page led a double life working for the government in an underground spy capacity. Indeed, she bore witness to several earth threatening travesties and was paramount in the success of many of the cases.
The story shared here in Bettie Page: Unbound #1 is but one of many times she risked life and limb for the good of humankind. There is, however, something that makes this particular tale more appealing than some of the others. Read on if you must know more!
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