This week, the FBI stands firm on the Sony hack, a top VC’s predictions for 2015, Apple unlocks the iPhone, DISH wants you to cut cable, thousands of free games, and drones on demand. All this, and much much more…
This week, tech giants take a stand against the FCC, Russia restricts free speech for bloggers, China’s about to launch an IPO that may dwarf Facebook, Who really won Samsung vs. Apple? …and < em>Star Wars the way it was really meant to be seen…
This week, the British NSA (GCHQ) snoops on millions of webcams, Apple‘s CarPlay, Google‘s modular cellphone, Microsoft‘s version of Siri, Facebook to launch drones, the selfie that broke Twitter, and much more.
Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press