Seventh Moon
Directed by Eduardo Sanchez
Starring Amy Smart, Dennis Chan, Tim Chiou
Release Date: October 6, 2009
Back in the summer of 1999 I refused to get caught up in the hype over The Blair Witch Project, but when the movie came out on video that October I watched it and delighted in rediscovering the sensation of what it was like to enjoy an old-fashioned horror flick that eschewed gory special effects in favor of building an atmosphere of mounting dread and the unseen terrors roaming the woods. Nevertheless, the movie was a huge hit and soon became part of the pop culture lexicon. It’s just a shame that none of the actors from the film or even its two directors went on to the prolific careers they deserved.
One of Blair Witch‘s directors, Eduardo Sanchez, has only made two films in the ten years since its release. The most recent of which, Seventh Moon, has seen some decent film festival play and is now available on DVD as part of the Ghost House Underground series. It’s clear that Sanchez is still trying to recapture some of that same filmmaking magic that conjured his greatest triumph so far as a director, but the time for that may have passed a long time ago.
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