With it being Valentine’s Day weekend, and all the buzz of the Oscars coming up later this month, it seemed like a perfect time for a COMBO LIST! When most think of Best Picture winners, you think sprawling historical epics like Gone With the Wind (1939), Lawrence of Arabia (1962) or Ben Hur (1959). War is a good place to find Oscar champions as well, such as Patton (1970), Schindler’s List (1993), and Bridge on the River Kwai (1957). But what about love? What about a sweeping romance? With that idea, I’ve scoured the 87 winners of the Best Picture Oscar and found the nine best love stories. Why nine? Because ten is what you were expecting, and with love being the theme, love should be unexpected and spontaneous… and also I could only really think of these 9. Any of these movies would be great to pop open a bottle of wine, dim the lights, and cuddle up with your significant other.
Check out the 9 choices below.
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