Scream Queens, a comedy-horror that takes place at a sorority house, is getting ready for its two-hour television series premiere on FOX on September 22, 2015. And with a name like Scream Queens, it’s fitting that popular scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis is part of the cast.
While Curtis made her claim to fame as final girl Laurie Strode in John Carpenter’s 1978 horror classic Halloween, she started out in life as Hollywood royalty. Her dad, Tony Curtis, has a lengthy filmography that includes Spartacus and Some Like It Hot, while mom Janet Leigh is best known for her role as Marion Crane in Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film Psycho. Leigh’s legacy includes one of the most famous moments in movie history — the terrifying shower scene in Psycho.
Curtis, who plays Dean Cathy Munsch on the new TV show, posted a photo online of herself recreating her mom’s famous shower scene for an upcoming episode of Scream Queens.
Check out the photo here below.
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