| Amazon Gives ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Series Early Season 2 Order![space](https://www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/spacer.gif) |
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![The Lord of the Rings The Lord of the Rings One Ring](https://i0.wp.com/www.geeksofdoom.com/GoD/img/2019/11/lord-of-the-rings-one-ring-new-line-530x305.jpg?resize=530%2C305&ssl=1)
The first season of Amazon’s much-anticipated series adaptation of The Lord of the Rings isn’t even in production yet. The series is currently in pre-production in New Zealand, where the show will be filmed. But whatever Amazon has seen of what’s been developed so far has given them all of the confidence necessary to move forward with an early greenlight for season two. Shortly after we found out that Amazon was in talks for a Lord of the Rings TV series back in 2017, it was confirmed that they had reached a deal and had committed to a multiple-season adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s classic work. So seeing that season two has been greenlighted, even this early, is not all that surprising. But according to reports their multiple-season commitment didn’t necessarily guarantee a second season—understandable, considering the mind-boggling mountains of coin that would be required to produce the five seasons Amazon committed to—and an official greenlight was still needed.
...continue reading » Tags: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Studios, Amazon's Lord of the Rings, J.A. Bayona, J.D. Payne, J.R.R. Tolkien, JA Bayona, JD Payne, Jennifer Salke, Juan Antonio Bayona, Lord of the Rings, Patrick McKay, The Lord of the Rings, Will Poulter | |
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| Amazon’s ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Series Will Also Be Filmed In New Zealand![The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring]()
Amazon has settled on a location for their massive adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien‘s epic tale The Lord of the Rings, and it’s a familiar place to fans. Amazon Studios has announced that the series will be filmed in New Zealand, where Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings film trilogy and much of his Hobbit trilogy were shot. The series is currently in pre-production, and production is expected to kick off in Auckland, New Zealand sometime in the coming months.
...continue reading » Tags: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Studios, Amazon's Lord of the Rings, J.A. Bayona, J.D. Payne, J.R.R. Tolkien, JD Payne, Juan Antonio Bayona, Lord of the Rings, Patrick McKay, The Lord of the Rings, Will Poulter | |
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| ‘Lord Of The Rings’ Series: ‘Midsommar,’ ‘The Revenant’ Star Will Poulter Cast In Lead Role![the-maze-runner-will-poulter-02]()
Casting has begun on Amazon’s massive Lord of the Rings series based on J.R.R. Tolkien‘s classic books, and one of the lead roles has now been filled. It’s being reported that Will Poulter has joined the show as one of the main characters, though it has not yet been revealed which character that is. Poulter is known for his work in Son of Rambow, We’re the Millers, The Maze Runner, The Revenant, Detroit, Black Mirror: Bandersnatch, and the recent Midsommar among others.
...continue reading » Tags: Amazon, Amazon Prime Video, Amazon Studios, Amazon's Lord of the Rings, Belén Atienza, Bryan Cogman, Gennifer Hutchison, Glenise Mullins, HarperCollins, Helen Shang, J.A. Bayona, J.R.R. Tolkien, Jason Cahill, Jason Smith, JD Payne, John Howe, Juan Antonio Bayona, Justin Doble, Kate Hawley, Lord of the Rings, Markella Kavenagh, Patrick McKay, Peter Jackson, Rick Heinrichs, Ron Ames, Sharon Tal Yguado, Stephany Folsom, The Lord of the Rings, Tom Shippey, Will Poulter | |
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