| TV Review: Heroes Reborn 1.10 “11:53 To Odessa” |

Heroes Reborn
Season 1 Episodes 10: “11:53 To Odessa”
Directed by Larysa Kondracki
Written by Seamus Kevin Fahey
Created by Tim Kring
Starring Jack Coleman, Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Henry Zebrowski, Ryan Guzman, Danika Yarosh, Francesca Eastwood, Masi Oka, Rya Kihlstedt, Eve Harlow, Kiki Sukezane
Air Date: Thursday, November 19th, 2015, 8pm Last week on Heroes Reborn, Noah (Jack Coleman) returns to 2015, and starts to see what chaanges have been wrought. Quentin (Henry Zebrowski) was a big negatove butterfly, as he turned traitor (not really). New Quentin is working with Erica (Rya Kihlstedt). Oh, and didn’t die. The Haitian is now alive and well, since Noah asked the soon-to-be-dead Caspar the penny man, to erase his memories. The Haitian (Jimmy Jean-Louis)teams up with Taylor (Eve Harlow) and other EVOs on a mission to rescue Micah Sanders from Erica’s clutches. Tommy (Robbie Kay) stops time for the first time, just when a bullet is about to hit his girl. He is then captured by Erica and Phoebe who dampens his power. Spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Danika Yarosh, Eve Harlow, Francesca Eastwood, Henry Zebrowski, Heroes Reborn, Jack Coleman, Kiki Sukezane, Larysa Kondracki, Masi Oka, NBC, Robbie Kay, Rya Kihlstedt, Ryan Guzman, Seamus Kevin Fahey, Tim Kring, Zachary Levi | |
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| TV Review: Heroes Reborn 1.6 “Game Over” |

Heroes Reborn
Season 1 Episodes 6: “Game Over”
Directed by Gideon Raff
Written by Nevin Densham
Created by Tim Kring
Starring Jack Coleman, Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Henry Zebrowski, Kiki Sukezane, Ryan Guzman, Danika Yarosh, Francesca Eastwood
Air Date: Thursday, October 22nd, 2015, 8pm Previously, on Heroes Reborn, Tommy (Robbie Kay) was finally told about his destiny by his mom and the penny hypnotist, which he predictably rejects. Luke (Zachary Levi) burns his house down, destroying his past with Joanna and his son. Miko and Ren (Kiki Sukezane and Toru Uchikado) sneak into Renautas via cosplayers, and retrieve the sword. Noah, Quentin, and Taylor (Jack Coleman, Henry Zebrowski, and Eve Harlow) make it inside as well, and find Molly (Francesca Eastwood), but she offs herself to stop EPIC. I actually don’t blame her. Erica Hitler, I mean Kravid (Rya Kihlstedt) moves forward with her global annihilation plan. They find human seeds to rebuild humanity. Malina (Danika Yarosh) has to forge on ahead – alone. Some spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: Danika Yarosh, Francesca Eastwood, Gideon Raff, Heroes Reborn, Jack Coleman, Judith Shekoni, Kiki Sukezane, NBC, Nevin Densham, Robbie Kay, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Tim Kring. NBC, Zachary Levi | |
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| TV Review: Heroes Reborn 1.3 “Under The Mask” |

Heroes Reborn
Season 1 Episodes 3: “Under The Mask”
Directed by Greg Beeman
Written by Seamus Kevin Fahey
Created by Tim Kring
Starring Jack Coleman, Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kiki Sukezane, Judith Shekoni, Danika Yarosh, Francesca Eastwood
Air Date: Thursday, October 1st, 2014, 10pm Heroes Reborn debuted last week after much anticipation. A year after a terrorist attack in Odessa, Texas, the Evolved Humans (EVOs) are chased down and persecuted. The others take pains to hide their power. Tommy (Robbie Kay) can make people (and objects) disappear, Miko (Kiki Sukezane) can step inside a video game and fight like a ninja, and Carlos (Ryan Guzman) doesn’t really have power, but becomes the hero El Vengador after his brother died, leaving the costume empty. Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman) had his mind erased concerning Odessa, but Dark Matters’ Quentin Frady (Henry Zebrowski) stirs enough curiosity to merit investigation. He happily finds The Haitian (Jimmy-Jean Louis), and it is a kill or be killed situation. What???? Luke and Joanne Collins (Zachary Levi and Judith Shekoni) try to kidnap Tommy, but he sends them to his scary place – a cell under Primatech. Molly Walker (Francesca Eastwood) gets conned and kidnapped.
...continue reading » Tags: Danika Yarosh, Francesca Eastwood, Greg Beeman, Heroes Reborn, Jack Coleman, Judith Shekoni, Kiki Sukezane, NBC, Robbie Kay, Seamus Kevin Fahey, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Tim Kring, Zachary Levi | |
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| TV Review: Heroes Reborn 1.1 & 1.2 “Brave New World” & “Odessa”
Heroes Reborn
Season 1 Episodes 1.1 & 1.2: “Brave New World” & “Odessa”
Directed by Matt Shakman (1) & Greg Beeman (1.2)
Written by Tim Kring (1.1) & Peter Elkoff (1.2)
Created by Tim Kring
Starring Jack Coleman, Zachary Levi, Robbie Kay, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Kiki Sukezane, Judith Shekoni, Danika Yarosh, Francesca Eastwood
Air Date: Thursday, September 24th, 2014, 10pm Where are the Heroes? In hiding, playing vigilante, making plans, fighting back… they are on NBC on Thursday nights on Heroes Reborn, and I am glad. I was afraid that I was just so excited for this reboot, I would love it even if it was terrible, much as I would love LOST, should it ever return. I should not have worried.
...continue reading » Tags: Francesca Eastwood, Gatlin Green, Greg Beeman, Greg Grunberg, Heroes, Heroes Reborn, Jack Coleman, Kiki Sukezane, Masi Oka, Matt Shakman, NBC, Peter Elkoff, Robbie Kay, Rya Kihlstedt, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Tim Kring, Zachary Levi | |
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| ‘Heroes Reborn’ Sneak Peek & Digital Exclusive!
In just a few hours, a television phenomenom of its time will return in a 13-episode limited series form, and I will be only one of the many who have been waiting for it with bated breath. Heroes Reborn returns at 8:00pm for a 2-hour premiere, more than 5 years after Heroes ended. What will it be like? We will know soon. Check out one of the scenes in the clip provided between Noah Bennet (Jack Coleman) and Quentin Frady (Henry Zebrowski), who was one of the stars of Heroes Reborn: Dark Matters, the prequel web series. Check out here below the sneak peek, plus the digital exclusive that includes an interview with Dr. Mohinder Suresh.
...continue reading » Tags: Danika Yarosh, Gatlin Green, Greg Grunberg, Heroes Reborn, Jack Coleman, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Judith Shekoni, Kiki Sukezane, M. Zachary Sherman, Masi Oka, NBC, Robbie Kay, Ryan Guzman, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Tim Kring, Zachary Levi | |
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