| Oscars 2017: Best Picture Short Takes and Oscar Predictions![Oscars 2017 Logo Oscars 2017 Logo]()
It’s that time of year again when we all gather around the TV for a 3 – 4.5 hour showcasing of everything great… and maybe not so great about Hollywood. That’s right, it’s the 89th Annual Academy Awards. This year we are celebrating a hugely diverse crowd of nominees… which has NOTHING to do with the controversies of the last two years in which no minority actors were nominated. Below you will find my insta-reviews, blurbs I wrote about each Oscar nominated film immediately after finishing them in the order I watched them, my rankings, and predictions. So let’s get to it… Some spoilers below.
...continue reading » Tags: 89th Annual Academy Awards, Academy Awards, Arrival, Fences, Hacksaw Ridge, Hell or High Water, Hidden Figures, La La Land, Lion, Manchester By The Sea, Moonlight, Oscars, Oscars 2017 | |
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| 2017 Golden Globes Winners: ‘La La Land’ Dances Away With The Night![Golden Globes 2017 Golden Globes 2017]()
The 2017 Golden Globes graced us with its glitter tonight, complete with host Jimmy Fallon who opened with an ode to La La Land. And the ode continued with the Ryan Gosling/Emma Stone musical nabbing 7 wins including Best Actor, Actress, Director, and Motion Picture, Musical or Comedy. Check out the nominees and winners below.
...continue reading » Tags: 2017 Golden Globe Awards, Atlanta, Blackish, Damien Chazelle, Elle, Emma Stone, Fences, Golden Globes, Goliath, Jimmy Fallon, La La Land, Manchester By The Sea, Nocturnal Animals, Ryan Gosling, The Crown, The Night Manager, The People v O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story, Zootopia | |
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| ‘Deadpool,’ ‘Arrival,’ ‘Moonlight,’ ‘La La Land’ Score WGA Nominations![Deadpool Movie Deadpool Among WGA Awards Nominees]()
Specific guild nominations are very telling of what films and television shows are up for major awards. Take SAG (Screen Actors Guild). A lot of the times the nominations from those awards are a precursor to which actors will most likely be nominated for Academy Awards. That is really no different from the Writers Guild of America (WGA). Today, WGA have announced their Writers Guild Awards nominees for the best in original and adaptive screenplay. You may recognize a few like Arrival or La La Land, heard of their critical acclaim like Moonlight, and may be even surprised by a few like Deadpool. That’s right, Deadpool got a nomination. Check out the list of nominated films below.
...continue reading » Tags: Arrival, Deadpool, Fences, Hell or High Water, Hidden Figures, La La Land, Manchester By The Sea, Moonlight, Nocturnal Animals, WGA, Writers Guild of America | |
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| ‘Manchester By The Sea’ Trailer: Casey Affleck Comes To Grips With Emotional Family Drama![Manchester By The Sea Manchester By The Sea]()
More and more smaller films are finding distribution on streaming platforms like Netflix and Amazon Studios. The latter was able to snatch up one of the year’s most anticipated films to come out of the Sundance Film Festival this year. Kenneth Lonergan‘s Manchester by the Sea stars Casey Affleck as the sudden legal guardian of his nephew (Lucas Hedges). Things get much more complicated when he makes the decision to come back home where the community he left behind and separated wife live. An official trailer for the movie has been released and can be seen below.
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