I expected an announcement about the return of Matt Fraction‘s crazy super-spy epic Casanova to occur during the Image Comics panel on Saturday at C2E2. Fraction has mentioned on his twitter account that he has been working on new scripts for the series, which has not been seen since the end of Volume 2 was released in 2008. Little did I realize that the series had actually moved from Image to Marvel’s creator-owned Icon line and that the announcement would happen during Marvel’s Cup of Joe panel.
Starting in July, readers will be able to catch up with the series, as the first 14 issues will be re-released in full color (the series was originally released in a green/white and blue/white color palette). According to Fraction’s blog, the series will also be repackaged.
The first two volumes will be released in eight single issues. The first issue will contain the original issue as well as a new story drawn by Fabio Moon. From there, each Icon issue will contain two issues that were released by Image, as well as new bonus material, until the eighth issue, which will contain what was originally issue #14, as well as another new story that will lead into Volume 3. Each issue will be 32 pages and cost $3.99.
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