Each and every week, I, “So many books!” Henchman 21 and “Indeed!” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for the week of October 1, 2014. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
Congratulations people, all of the comics are out this week. Every. Single. One of them. Okay, it’s not that bad, but there is an embarrassment of riches out this week, and if you want to buy all the good stuff, you may need a small loan. And I’m not going to be any help to you this week, because I am not about helping you trim down your comic buying list. Oh no, quite the opposite. I’m going to list a lot of cool stuff this week that is totally worth your time, so get ready. It’s rapid fire GoD List time!
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