Resident Evil: Retribution, the upcoming newest installment (its 5th) from the Resident Evil franchise, based on the video game series and one of the first supernatural films to showcase the outbreak and ultimate terror of zombies, had its panel today at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con. Comprised of the film’s star Milla Jojovich and supporting cast Michelle Rodriguez, Oded Fehr, Boris Kodjoe, Mika Nakashima (a pop star in Japan who needed a translator to answer her questions), and writer/director and husband of Jojovich, Paul W.S. Anderson, the panel also showcased never before seen film footage from the production in 3D that the large audience mainly ate up (no pun intended).
Starting with the said footage, which was a new trailer and introduced by the moderator of the panel, local Los Angeles DJ Ralph Garman and Anderson, who mentioned he wanted to make the first truly post apocalyptic film, which spans the globe in terms of locations, stretching in areas as wide as Tokyo to Times Square, Anderson also spoke of the depth of Jojovich’s character Alice, and the fact that he wanted to make this production with the most balls-out, intense action yet in the franchise.
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