Resident Evil: Retribution, the upcoming newest installment (its 5th) from the Resident Evil franchise, based on the video game series and one of the first supernatural films to showcase the outbreak and ultimate terror of zombies, had its panel today at the 2012 San Diego Comic-Con. Comprised of the film’s star Milla Jojovich and supporting cast Michelle Rodriguez, Oded Fehr, Boris Kodjoe, Mika Nakashima (a pop star in Japan who needed a translator to answer her questions), and writer/director and husband of Jojovich, Paul W.S. Anderson, the panel also showcased never before seen film footage from the production in 3D that the large audience mainly ate up (no pun intended).
Starting with the said footage, which was a new trailer and introduced by the moderator of the panel, local Los Angeles DJ Ralph Garman and Anderson, who mentioned he wanted to make the first truly post apocalyptic film, which spans the globe in terms of locations, stretching in areas as wide as Tokyo to Times Square, Anderson also spoke of the depth of Jojovich’s character Alice, and the fact that he wanted to make this production with the most balls-out, intense action yet in the franchise.
After the trailer was shown, which was a hyper edited, colorful piece of assembled clips shown at a breakneck pace in earsplitting THX and in not too obstructive 3D effect, the panel members were introduced, with Jojovich brought out last to great applause. Typical softball questions then commenced, as the cast gushed how amazing it was to work with each other and to make another production, spoke about the training processes and how some of the cast felt to be back. Lots of typical gushing and superlatives abounded.
Then some exclusive rough footage in a rather wintry setting was shown, which is part of the climatic fight scene that totals 9 minutes in the film, but 2 minutes were shown here. The scene showcases some wild gymnastic style fighting from the limber and nimble Jojovich’s Alice against Jill Valentine with lots of cool 3D effects. The slinging Girlfighter Rodriguez also shows off her badass fighting skills against Alice’s allies.
Q&A added a little spice to the blandness here but not much, other than a man dressed as Buzz Lightyear boldly asking Michelle Rodriguez if he would have sex with her, in which she answered in a breezy anecdote that she once encountered a pervert in Hollywood who looked just like him, it was pretty standard fare. Hopefully the film itself will have some more life to it than what transpired in Hall H for Resident Evil: Retribution.
Panel Photos
All Photos by Dave3 for Geeks Of Doom.
This is gonna be absolutely sick.
Comment by MansionIncident — July 16, 2012 @ 9:05 am