Our Friend Satan. I’m not going to lie to you, I was full of preconceived notions based solely on the title alone. As it turns out, I was pretty close on the expectation of it being a parody of everything we are taught/told/whatever in our formative years. In this story, Satan is effectively just the CEO of Hell, and he’s pretty damned tired of it. Constantly getting a bad rap, he’s scapegoated at every turn by the Catholic Church (not necessarily the good guys in this tale). And while the world at large has seen him portrayed as a monster with huge horns and a pitchfork, he’s actually a balding older gentleman who spends his days in a bathrobe and slippers, drinking copious amounts of Cthulhu Vodka with his buddy, and chess partner, Beelzebub. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this comic! Hilarity abounds in the most infernal of ways, you’ll never know what’s coming until it’s too late. That’ll teach those silly kids to summon up the Prince of Darkness!
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