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Kickstarter Spotlight: ‘Our Friend Satan’ Graphic Novel By Dominik Marzec
Waerloga69   |  @   |  

Our Friend Satan

Our Friend Satan. I’m not going to lie to you, I was full of preconceived notions based solely on the title alone. As it turns out, I was pretty close on the expectation of it being a parody of everything we are taught/told/whatever in our formative years. In this story, Satan is effectively just the CEO of Hell, and he’s pretty damned tired of it. Constantly getting a bad rap, he’s scapegoated at every turn by the Catholic Church (not necessarily the good guys in this tale). And while the world at large has seen him portrayed as a monster with huge horns and a pitchfork, he’s actually a balding older gentleman who spends his days in a bathrobe and slippers, drinking copious amounts of Cthulhu Vodka with his buddy, and chess partner, Beelzebub. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg with this comic! Hilarity abounds in the most infernal of ways, you’ll never know what’s coming until it’s too late. That’ll teach those silly kids to summon up the Prince of Darkness!

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Pranksters ‘Erect’ Naked Satan Statue In A Vancouver Park (Video)
Ides Bergen   |  @   |  

Naked Satan Statue Vancouver

How metal is this? Some unknown person(s) recently put up a nine-foot-tall statue of a naked Satan throwing the ubiquitous heavy metal “devil horns” hand gesture in a public park in Vancouver, Canada. As if that wasn’t enough to raise eyebrows, it seems that ol’ Scratch is also, umm, let’s just say “standing at full attention.”

Watch Global News’ coverage of the story here below. Warning, NSFW!

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First Look At The New Satanic Monument Being Created For Oklahoma Capitol
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

The Satanic Temple Satan Monument design for Oklahoma Capitol

Remember the Satanic Monument that a Satanist group proposed for the Oklahoma State Capitol grounds? Well, whether Oklahoma wants it or not, it’s being created right now.

Back in January, The Satanic Temple, a New York-based religious organization, used Indiegogo to successfully fund the creation of their proposed Satanic monument, which they hope will be erected at the statehouse to “complement and contrast the 10 Commandments monument that resides there now.”

While it appears that Oklahoma doesn’t want the monument — which features a 7-foot-tall rendering of Baphomet, the goat-headed winged Satanic deity, sitting cross-legged on a throne under a pentagram with a child on both sides of him — The Satanic Temple is putting their donations to good use. According to Vice, the group has hired an artist trained in classical sculpture, who is currently working on the the monument, which, when completed, will then be cast in bronze.

Vice reporter Jonathan Smith got a look at the statue in progress and posted some photos of it, some of which you can see here below.

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Sit On Satan’s Lap At Satanic Statue Proposed For Oklahoma Capitol
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

The Satanic Temple Satan Monument design for Oklahoma Capitol

Wouldn’t you like to take your children to sit on Satan’s lap?

If so, then you might be in luck, as the congregants of The Satanic Temple are hoping to make that a reality. The New York-based religious organization has officially submitted a design proposal for a satanic statue at the Oklahoma state Capitol to “complement and contrast” a Ten Commandments monument that currently resides on the public grounds.

The proposed statue would feature a 7-foot-tall rendering of Baphomet, the goat-headed winged Satanic deity, sitting cross-legged on a throne under a pentagram with a child on both sides of him. “The lap will serve as a seat for visitors,” read the description in The Satanic Temple’s application.

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Skull-Face Island: Episode 40: G.I. Joe: Retaliation / Trance
Adam Frazier   |  @   |  

Skull-Face Island: Episode 40: G.I. Joe: Retaliation / Trance

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WE’RE BACK! This is Adam Frazier and you are listening to Skull-Face Island, the official movie podcast of Geeks of Doom! As always I’m joined by the Toad to my Wet Sprocket, David Allen… and the Island’s foremost expert on vintage racquetball goggles, producer Tim Grant.

Today on the Show: We’ll discuss Jon M. Chu‘s latest film, G.I. Joe: Retaliation, as well as Danny Boyle‘s psychosexual thriller, Trance. We’ll also boot-up the Geek-O-Matic TeleFax for all the latest news on James Gunn‘s Guardians of the Galaxy and Christopher Nolan’s upcoming sci-fi thriller, Interstellar.

Finally, if you’ve been a regular listener of the show, you’ve probably noticed we’ve been absent over the past couple of weeks. Well, there’s a good reason for that – and you’ll hear all about it in today’s third segment where we talk to The Prince of Darkness himself, Satan. It looks like Hell is coming to Skull-Face Island… I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

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