![As Above, So Below contest As Above, So Below contest]()
Coming to theaters this Friday is the psychological thriller As Above/So Below, so in conjunction with this release, we have some very cool prize packs for some lucky winners!
One (1) First Prize winner will receive an As Above/So Below prize pack containing:
- One (1) As Above/So Below T-shirt
- One (1) As Above/So Below Backpack
- One (1) As Above/So Below Messenger Bag
- One (1) As Above/So Below poster signed by Ben Feldman & Perdita Weeks
- One (1) As Above/So Below Promo Code Card
One (1) Runner-Up winner will receive an As Above/So Below prize pack containing:
- One (1) As Above/So Below T-shirt
- One (1) As Above/So Below poster signed by Ben Feldman & Perdita Weeks
TO ENTER: There’s just two simple steps:
(1) Subscribe to Geeks of Doom using one or more of the following methods:
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(2) Fill out the entry form here below and submit. (Form is here after the jump.)
Good luck!
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