Prophet #23
Written by Brandon Graham and Simon Roy
Art by Simon Roy
Colors by Richard Ballermann
Letters by Ed Brisson
Cover by Farel Dalrymple
Image Comics
Released date: March 21, 2012
Price: $2.99
I’ve been reading comics for a while and I am always on the lookout for something new, and that is exactly what I got with Prophet #23. Prophet is an insanely cool comic book series that features a warrior who wakes up in a strange future filled with wondrous creatures. His mission? To restart a bunch of satellites that will put the human race back into action. All he has to complete his mission is a knife, a floating robot translator, and a strange piece of clothing that adapts to his every need, even if that need is a new arm. The last two issues have introduced us to the world of Prophet, and with this issue, we start to see the bigger picture of what is going on in this series.
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