Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse isn’t your traditional zombie film. The horror comedy follows three boy scouts: Ben, Carter, and Augie (Ty Sheridan, Logan Miller, and Joey Morgan, respectively) and a strip club cocktail waitress, Denise (Sarah Dumont) as they try to survive the zombie apocalypse. Using their skills that they learned from boy scouts, plus Denise’s knowledge of guns, the four set out to find any fellow survivors and rescue high school seniors from the horde of zombies (ranging from humans to zombie cats) that are about to crash their seniors-only party.
Geeks Of Doom was recently invited to sit down with Sarah Dumont, Logan Miller, and Joey Morgan to talk about, well anything, from porn, to what they did to build chemistry. They also talked about what they learned from working on Scouts Guide To The Zombie Apocalypse — which hits theaters his Halloween — how they had to deal with some unruly cats, and how they would use what they learned to survive the zombie apocalypse. Check out our full interview here below.
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