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Tom Baker On Filming ‘Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor’
Dr. Geek, Ph.D.   |  

Tom Baker and Matt Smith in The Day Of The Doctor

For many, many fans of classic Doctor Who, one of the real high points of The Day Of The Doctor 50th anniversary special had to be hearing a very familiar voice say, “You know, I really think you might” and then seeing Tom Baker play the Curator opposite Matt Smith as the Doctor for a few short moments. There had been clues that Baker, who’d played the fourth incarnation of the Doctor in the 1970s, would appear in the special in the days leading up to November 23rd, most notably from Baker himself. The details of where and how this bit of magic from showrunner Steven Moffat came about were largely unknown, however, until a few days ago.

Mr. Baker discussed his involvement in The Day Of The Doctor as a part of his New Year’s message on his official web site. In it, he touches on aspects of the filming day, his working process as an actor for the role, and the publicity leading up to the first screening.

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Doctor Who TARDISblend 71: The Time Of The Doctor
cGt2099   |  

Doctor Who TARDISblend Banner

The Time of the Doctor has come at last, as the Matt Smith Doctor must face the standoff of a millennia at Trenzalore, the planet where he is supposed to die. With his most villainous enemies surrounding the planet, the Doctor must defend the human settlement on the surface – his final mission that will last far longer than he or companion Clara Oswald (Jenna Coleman) expect…

During TARDISblend 71, we discuss our thoughts as we review Matt Smith’s final episode as the Doctor, and the debut of Peter Capaldi as the next Doctor. We look into the many questions answered during this finale of the Matt Smith era as well as the implications for what may come next.

We also look into 2014 and beyond – as to what we can expect from the new Peter Capaldi Doctor in Series 8. All this and more on the latest TARDISblend!

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‘Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor’ Inside Look (Video)
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

Doctor Who David Tennant and Matt Smith The Day Of The Doctor 50th Anniversary Special

Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, which saw Tenth Doctor David Tennant in an on-screen adventure together with Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith, has aired (read our thoughts and theories here). We also got to see a deleted scene from this bonus episode. Now, it’s time to take an inside look at The Day of the Doctor with several videos recently released.

Check out the videos here below, several of which are interviews with Tennant and Smith about working together on the special, as well as a very cool behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the Trafalgar Square scene.

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The Doctor Who TARDISblend 70: Day Of The Doctor
cGt2099   |  

TARDISblend 50th Anniversary Banner

Happy Birthday, Doctor Who!

The Day Of The Doctor is here, and the War Doctor (John Hurt) must face his future selves (David Tennant and Matt Smith) before making a crucial decision that will impact the entire universe and the existence of the Time Lords and Gallifrey.

During TARDISblend 70, we discuss our thoughts as we review the 50th anniversary special, the implications of the plot, the special surprise appearances in the episode, and the impact on the future of Doctor Who. Additionally we dive into the other 50th specials: An Adventure in Space and Time and The Five-ish Doctors Reboot by Peter Davison.

We also look into 2014 and beyond – as to what we can expect from the new Peter Capaldi Doctor in Series 8. All this and more on the latest TARDISblend!

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‘Doctor Who: The Day Of The Doctor’ Sets Guinness World Record
Empress Eve   |  @   |  

Doctor Who The Day of the Doctor Guinness World Record award Steven Moffat, Matt Smith, Jenna Coleman

November 23, 2013 saw the global airing of the Doctor Who 50th anniversary special, The Day of the Doctor, which was simulcast that day in 94 countries across 6 continents. As it turns out, this broke a World Record!

At the official Doctor Who 50th Celebration event held in London this weekend, Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat was presented with the Guinness World Record award for the special, which broke the record for the largest ever simulcast of a TV drama. Moffat was given the award, along with stars Matt Smith and Jenna Coleman and the episode’s director Nick Hurran, live on stage during a panel at the event.

Check out the video of the presentation of the award here below.

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