Usually when I sit down to get you to take a peek at a Kickstarter campaign, it’s a comic or book-related fundraiser. This one is a bit different, on many levels. I’ve never really delved too deeply into the darker corners of the interwebs. Most of us don’t have any reason to do so. But there exists an underworld to the ‘net of which the general public knows nothing. Deep Web: The Untold Story of Bitcoin and The Silk Road digs deeply into the dark places that government’s cannot control. Examining the elusive Silk Road and the shadowy currency known as Bitcoin is just part of this documentary from Alex Winter. Like his latest film Downloaded, much of the focus will be from a historical and cultural perspective.
If you for some reason you don’t recognize Alex’s name, well maybe you should go pick up the always awesome comedy Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. I, however, know him best from the cult classic The Lost Boys (my friend Becca and I must have watched that every weekend for at least three years). But he’s more than just an actor, this dude has some pretty great director’s chops, too. He’s the man behind the film Freaked! I have no doubt this film will dig into every crevice to get to the truth. I recently read that the internet that you and I know makes up a mere 4% of the content that’s actually out there. Apparently there is a lot of stuff that isn’t indexed because it’s not meant to be seen by the average computer user.
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