Tron: Uprising, an arrestingly-captivating new animated original series on the Disney XD channel, brings viewers back into the grid with the dynamic visuals, electrifying music and gripping storytelling that rekindled audiences with digital dazzle in Tron: Legacy.
Set between the original Tron and Tron: Legacy, Tron: Uprising focuses on mechanic-turned-renegade Beck (voiced by Elijah Wood), a deft programmer living in the stunning Argon City. Beck’s free-thinking society is soon threatened by the menacing General Tesler (Lance Henriksen), one of the evil CLU’s cohorts, who aims to take charge of the metropolis. Once his friend is “derezzed,” or the Tron version of someone being killed, Beck avenges his death by disguising himself as believed-to-be-dead hero Tron and inspiring a revolution. In the intense prologue special, “Beck’s Beginning,” we see this as almost an origins story, provided with heavy exposition to better understand the characters and storyline.
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