Watchmen: The End Is Nigh
Genre: Fighting
ESRB: M for Mature
BBFC: 15
Developer: Deadline Games
Platform: PSN Network: March 5th 2009 (Part One), Xbox Live & PC: March 4th 2009 (Part One)
After writing my short preview on Watchmen: The End Is Nigh, I was really eager to get my hands on the full game… and Xbox Live being its usual laggy self, it decided to download the 1.3GB game at a rate of 1% every 20 minutes — needless to say, I’ve been screaming at my Xbox all damn day.
However, my download literally just finished, so I am now happy to bring you a hands-on review of the first installment of the episodic adventures of Rorschach and Nite Owl II. As soon as you load the game, you’re treated to animated cutscenes just like the Motion Comic DVD, setting the scene on Friday 13th October 1972. The tone of these cutscenes blend well with the dialogue in the graphic novel, and Rorschach’s narration via his journal is spot on. Both Rorschach and Nite Owl II are voiced by their movie counterparts Jackie Earle Haley and Patrick Wilson, which I always see as a valuable asset – I can’t stand it when movie-to-game adaptations use crappy voice actor soundalikes.
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