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Comic Review: Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder #1
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Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder #1 header

Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder #1
The Mysteries of Unland
Created by Mike Mignola
Written by Kim Newman and Maura McHugh
Art by Tyler Crook
Letters by Clem Robins
Colors by Dave Stewart
Cover by Julian Totino Tedesco
Dark Horse Comics
Release Date: June 18, 2014
Cover Price: $3.50

One thing you can always count on Dark Horse Comics for is the supernatural and paranormal comics. I say this as a compliment, mind you. And while some are better than others, I am seldom disappointed in anything they publish. Sir Edward Grey: Witchfinder #1 is certainly no exception. But this isn’t your average story, it combines an old fashioned mystery with a multitude of surprises.

We begin with the peculiar death of a royal servant. The coroner sees the death as a puzzling anomaly so Sir Edward Grey is sent to make sense from the bizarre symptoms found on the body. One event leads to another and Grey finds himself en route to a small outer-lying town looking for more clues. Suspicious circumstances and the oddities of the townspeople cause him to dig a little deeper than normal. The discovery of a clue and a late night encounter prove that he is on the right path. For many people, a near death experience would have them packing and on the next train out of town. But for a paranormal investigator it just solidifies his resolve to get to the truth at all costs.

The mystery is multifaceted, and the fact that I was so entertained is a testament to the writing of Kim Newman and Maura McHugh. Together they have created a story that draws the reader in with every page and leaves them yearning for more by the end of the first issue. With Tyler Crook‘s art perfectly accompanying the story, this mini-series of five comics will be a crowd pleaser. I just finished the first issue and I’m already desperate for the next.

You’ll find yourself in the same boat if you pick this one up, of that I have no doubt. The Victorian setting has a distinct gothic feel that creates an almost Sherlockian mystery with a slight air of Poe about it. Any fan of classic horror or suspense will want this series. I firmly believe that the story will only get better and more twisted as we get further into it. If you don’t grab this one, you’re missing out. You have been warned.

Witchfinder #1 cover

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