Ugli Studios Presents #3
Written by Dennis Fallon, Jason Palmatier, Tauriq Moosa, and Joseph Freistuhler
Art by Joseph Freistuhler and Jason Lenox
Inks by D.F. Marin
Letters by Dave Sharpe
Cover art by Jason Lenox and Dani Kaulakis
Ugli Studios
Release Date: Available Now!
Cover Price: $2.99
Ugli Studios Presents #3 is a small press anthology book that features three stories and has something for everyone! While you won’t find superheroes here, there’s horror, suspense, and action that will appeal to almost every comic book fan.
First off, I’m not going to review each and every story, that would be a little to exhausting, but I’ll give you the lowdown on the book as a whole. Featuring three stories, by writers Dennis Fallon, Jason Palmatier, Tauriq Moosa, and Joseph Freistuhler, each tale is drastically different, and I’ll be honest, the first story is by far my favorite. It’s got a bit of a sci-fi, action figure feel to it. The second one is more of a Dr. Strange type of story, full of magic and suspense, and the third story is a straight up horror story that includes a dash of science fiction. While the stories don’t have any connecting thread whatsoever, the book has a nice flow to it, and goes nicely from one tale to another.
Artists Joseph Freistuhler and Jason Lenox tackle art duties on everything. Lenox takes the first two, and pulls off two VERY different styles so good, you’re not going to realize that he drew both of them. Freistuhler handles the third story, and his art has a pretty nice style, that’s completely suited for it.
If you’re in the mood for something different, I highly recommend this book. It’s not something that you’d normally find on the shelves of a mainstream comic book store, you’d have to go to a shop that embraces the indie, self-published books that are becoming all too rare. Actually, I don’t think you’ll BE able to find this on the shelves of any comic store, but you can get this comic at the publisher’s link above. I encourage you to check it out, I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised, as I was.

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