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Comic Spotlight: Plague #2
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Plague #2
Written by Dennis MaGee Fallon and Jason Palmatier
Art by Zach Brunner
Letters by Dave Sharpe
Markosia Comics
Release Date: June 7, 2017
Cover Price: $1.99

A few months back I had the distinct pleasure of reviewing a new comic that truly appealed to me in several ways. First in a series, Plague #1 was a remarkable change from the ho-hum average comic, for it gracefully blended true history with high fantasy. This newest installment, Plague #2, picks up right where the last issue left off and manages to cover a lot of proverbial ground. Keep reading to find out more!

Our story picks back up in the monastery where Friar Robbert is playing host to Warbishop Moray after the horrific events in the forest last issue. And though the young friar found Danann outside of the forest, he still has no idea that she is fey. In his eyes, all the creatures of the land deserve to be sheltered when in need.

Unfortunately, the warbishop and his men do not feel the same. Using the friary as a home base, he attempts to bond with the friar and encourage him to remain faithful, in spite of what is going on in the world. Though, to be fair, he does use falsehoods to emphasize his point. Young Robbert, more confused than ever, seeks the council of his fairy guest, giving voice to his concerns. But when his militant guest finds himself face to face with one of the elusive creatures he has sworn to destroy, all hell breaks loose. And the truth is finally brought to light.

This mixture of history and fantasy is near perfection. Using actual events to tell a story that actually could have happened lends credibility and consistency to it. Dennis MaGee Fallon and Jason Palmatier weave a web that traps the reader just as a spider would a fly. The tale is riveting, suspenseful, and, above all, unique. Zach Brunner‘s art is simplistic enough but still manages to bring an almost ethereal quality to the necessary parts. It is, in essence, exactly what this series needs.

I raved about the first issue and I have not seen anything to change my mind with this second one. I find myself wanting to explore their alternate reality and history in depth. Taking known events and adding a secondary layer to them that in no way impacts the historical significance or outcome is an amazing way to convey the tale. Pick it up, you’ll be happy you did! I certainly was.

Once again leading the way in cutting-edge storytelling, Markosia brings the past of the British Isles to life in their daring new limited series, PLAGUE. Reframing the story of the bubonic plague as a tale of good versus evil and magic versus faith, PLAGUE is Inspired by actual people and events of the 14th century and uses extensive research into European folklore to tell the story of THE FEY; magical creatures of myth and legend who are being hunted by a corrupt Catholic Church. In ISSUE #2, an unwitting English friar takes in a fairy woman on the run from the dreaded WARBISHOP, leader of the magical-hunting arm of the Catholic Church. Hiding her true identity, the young friar finds himself in an age-old war between the Church and a race of ancient Irish spirits known as the Aos Sí.

Plague #2

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