Before we get started here, let it be known that I love Ghostbusters II and consider it one of my favorite comedy sequels. That is NOT to be confused with comparing it to the original, because that’s blasphemy. With the reboot of Ghostbusters (aka the most pre-hated movie of 2016) coming to theaters Friday, the gang at Screen Junkies decided to go back to the first attempt to cash in on the greatness of the original 1984 classic with a new addition to their Honest Trailers series.
Check out here below the Honest Trailer for 1989’s Ghostbusters II, which strives to make the point that this sequel already ruined your childhood (not mine, though!).
Granted, the first point that narrator Jon Bailey brings up is totally accurate. In 1984, the Ghostbusters saved New York in very public fashion from an evil demon and a giant marshmallow man. Apparently 5 years is too long for the people of the Big Apple to remember, as literally no one remembers. Every adult calls them frauds and full of sh*t, and even kids mock them. “Hey kid, was your dad living in NY five years ago?!”
To his second point, they do kinda reuse the exact same plot from the first movie, and the split screen really hammers the point home. From their beginnings as washed up scientists, the ghostbusting montages, to the giant mascot roaming through New York”¦ yeah kinda hard to argue that”¦ but it’s still funny”¦ shut up! Egon straightened a slinky — HILARIOUS!
Egon is still a nerd, Venkman still gives off the molester vibe, Ray stills spouts off scientific mumbo jumbo”¦ oh yeah”¦ Winston”¦ he’s still there, except for when they discover the slime or save the day in the courtroom. Poor Ernie Hudson, I love that dude. But at least this movie has Viggo the Carpathian, the most badass Scandinavian metal singer ever! Bailey starts hating on Ghostbusters II like he’s in the FB comment section of a Ghostbusters reboot article.
Starring: Elwood Boos, Harold Ramissed, Ringo (Ernie Hudson), A Very Murray Sequel, Ripley and Newt (HA HA), and the Stuff They Make Chicken McNuggets Out Of (slime)… New Title: Ghostbusters: The Secret of the Ooze.
On a serious note, let’s not ignore the elephant in the room. The new ghostbusters are women. I get hating the idea of remakes and reboots, but if you’re spewing vile rhetoric about the new film”¦ you just might be sexist. Seriously, check that.
Ghostbusters, the one with the ladies, opens on Friday, July 15, 2016 in theaters everywhere. Ghostbusters II can be found on Amazon. Screen Junkies have over 5.6 million subscribers and releases new Honest Trailers every Tuesday.
Honest Trailers – Ghostbusters 2
[Source: Screen Junkies Honest Trailers YT]
Ghostbusters 2 was the first movie I saw in theaters that didn’t take place in space.
Comment by UNCARING1 — July 21, 2016 @ 2:59 am