Before they unveil their mysterious new console, code-named NX, Nintendo has announced something much more familiar. The gaming giant has revealed that they will be releasing a mini version of the classic original Nintendo Entertainment System later this year.
On top of that, the NES Classic Edition will also come with 30 classic games, so you can dive head first into nostalgia like Scrooge McDuck into a pool of gold coins. Continue reading for more information and to see an image of how small the console is.
Here’s some more info on the console, including all 30 games it comes with, from the official site:
Remember your first Goomba stomp?
The NES Classic Edition system is a miniaturized version of the groundbreaking NES, originally released in 1985.
Just plug the NES Classic Edition into your TV, pick up that gray controller, and rediscover the joy of NES games.
Works with NES Virtual Console games on Wii U, too
Play NES games the way they’re meant to be played””with a full-size “original” controller.
The included NES Classic Controller can also be used with NES Virtual Console games on your Wiiâ„¢ or Wii Uâ„¢ console by connecting it to a Wii Remoteâ„¢ controller.
Share the fun with a friend
Games like Pac-Manâ„¢, TECMO BOWL, and Dr. Marioâ„¢ are even better with a buddy. And you won’t have to fight over a controller.
Use your Classic Controllerâ„¢ or Classic Controller Proâ„¢ (sold separately), or buy a second NES Classic Controller.
Welcome to an 8-bit wonderland
Balloon Fightâ„¢BUBBLE BOBBLECastlevaniaâ„¢Castlevania II: Simon’s Questâ„¢Donkey Kongâ„¢Donkey Kong Jr. â„¢DOUBLE DRAGON II: THE REVENGEDr. Marioâ„¢Excitebikeâ„¢FINAL FANTASY®Galagaâ„¢GHOSTS’N GOBLINS®GRADIUSâ„¢Ice Climberâ„¢Kid Icarusâ„¢Kirby’s Adventureâ„¢Mario Bros. â„¢MEGA MAN® 2Metroidâ„¢NINJA GAIDENPAC-MANâ„¢Punch-Out!! â„¢ Featuring Mr. DreamStarTropicsâ„¢SUPER Câ„¢Super Mario Bros.â„¢Super Mario Bros. â„¢ 2Super Mario Bros. â„¢ 3TECMO BOWLThe Legend of Zeldaâ„¢Zelda II: The Adventure of Linkâ„¢
What will all of this cost you, you might ask? The price of a new current game: $59.99. If you want an additional controller so you can play with friends, that will be an extra $9.99.
While all very exciting, there are some things fans won’t be thrilled about. This release isn’t meant to be a revival of the classic system. It’s meant to be a standalone nostalgic experience. That means that all of these games come pre-installed into the console. You just plug it in and start playing. But the console doesn’t connect to the internet, as Kotaku reported, and there won’t be more games available to add to the 30 after launch. The little cartridge lid doesn’t even open. The Classic Edition is made to look exactly like the original console, but not function like it.
Still, for $60 you can’t really go wrong here. You can pick one up when the console is released on November 11, 2016.
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