Those who grew up playing the original Nintendo Entertainment System were overwhelmed with excitement last summer when it was revealed that a mini version of the console was on the way, complete with 30 games pre-loaded on it including the Super Mario Bros. games, two Zelda games, and many more. Sadly that excitement was premature. The NES Classic Edition was one of the hottest holiday gift items, but its launch was a classic disaster. The $60 bundle of nostalgia was sold out. Everywhere. All the time.
But instead of fixing the problem, making boatloads of cash, and being happy while bringing happiness to others, Nintendo seemed content with things as they were. Even to this day, if you want to secure one on Amazon it’ll cost you far more than it should cost you buying from third-party sellers. And now, the perfect cherry on top of this shit sundae, the company has apparently decided to discontinue the NES Classic in North America altogether.
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