It was a good year to be a geek TV viewer. Here is TV’s best of the best.
10. Smallville
The arrival of Green Arrow breathes new life into this Superman series.
9. Robot Chicken
Cleverly mocking all the pop culture you hold dear.
8. Entourage
Cool, funny, plenty of chicks. What more could you want?
7. The Colbert Report
Political humor was never this funny.
6. Dexter
A serial killer who kills serial killers. Now that’s some serious s*@t right there. And some good TV, too.
5. Doctor Who
Who doesn’t like the good doctor? Not any geek worth his salt.
4. South Park
Darth Chef. Enough said.
3. Heroes
Dramatic television for geeks — and anything else with a pulse.
2. Lost
The king of suspense TV. Still!
1. Battlestar Galactica
The king of sci-fi TV. It’s the frakking truth!
Jericho, Assy McGee, Lucky Louie
Sorry, gotta put Heroes No. 1, all due respect to the other selections.
Comment by massilimino — December 29, 2006 @ 3:02 am