Very recently an episode of Top Chef Masters aired in which chefs created dishes using only Dharma Initiative-approved food items from the show Lost. These dishes were served to the show’s writing and producing team, including Damon Lindelof, Carlton Cuse, and Brian K. Vaughan. As a massive fan of Lost, I recall being reminded of how awesome it was knowing Vaughan — creator of amazing comic books like Y: The Last Man, Pride of Baghdad, and Runaways — was also a part of this special show. Now this is no more, as it has been confirmed that Brian K. Vaughan has left the show to move on to other things.
In a brief, passing moment during a Q&A session, Damon Lindelof was asked what Vaughan was like, to which he simply replied “Unfortunately he has left for greener pastures. When he first came on the show Jorge Garcia was ecstatic because he’s a huge fan of his work.” This depressing news was later confirmed by ABC.
This of course doesn’t mean that Lost is going to suck or anything extreme like that — Vaughan didn’t even join the show up until season 3 — but the mark he left on the show while he was there will forever be appreciated. Namely, the amount of fantastic pop culture references he slipped into various episodes was especially enjoyable.
Brian K. Vaughan currently has a script for a movie called Roundtable (Read: DreamWorks Picks Up Vaughan’s ‘Roundtable’) currently being developed into a movie. It is said to be a comedy take on the King Arthur tale with the wizard Merlin putting together a modern group of knights, which equates to our favorite out-of-shape athletes, scientists, wealthy jackasses, and of course: Michael Caine. Y: The Last Man is also (eventually) planning to become a movies, as well as Runaways and I’m sure everything else Vaughan has ever written.
It is unknown whether the writer will continue writing scripts and working in movies and TV, or if he’s heading back to create more sure-to-be-brilliant comic books, but I’m sure either way, it will be something to keep our eyes open for.
[Source: MTV Splashpage]
Aww man, his scripts were awesome.
Comment by smanked — July 6, 2009 @ 8:18 pm
yeah, deus ex anyone?
don’t know how you manage to write an article and leave that out of it…….
Comment by mo — July 7, 2009 @ 11:15 am
Is it really that shocking that I didn’t mention Deus Ex Machina in an article that had nothing to do with Deus Ex Machina?
Comment by The Movie God — July 7, 2009 @ 9:25 pm