Watch Now: A Look Inside ‘Scott Pilgrim vs. The World’
By Merkader
Wednesday, July 14th, 2010 at 9:45 am
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World is exactly one month away from release. Are you excited? I sure am.
Now, we’re being treated to a new featurette, called “A Look Inside.” In this two and a half minute clip the tale of Scott Pilgrim is explained a little more than in previous trailers. I think it’s good for those who for some reason have not read the graphic novels, and thus would have no idea what the movie is about.
This clip also has some talking points from members of the cast as well as Edgar Wright, the director. So take it all in ladies and gents, we are only one month away from the August 13 release date, so hopefully this can help to keep us occupied until then.
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Comment by Fred — July 15, 2010 @ 11:14 pm