As I’ve mentioned in my prior Twilight coverage, I’ve yet to read Breaking Dawn, the fourth and as of now final novel in Stephenie Meyer’s popular book series (I’ll probably bang it out during my upcoming trip to California). Nevertheless, I already know several crucial elements of the story thanks to sites everywhere putting spoilers right in the headlines.
I didn’t want to do that here, for those of you who haven’t read the book and managed to avoid spoilers so far, but there is now an update regarding a pivotal scene that people believed would be cut from the upcoming film adaptations — the final book is being split into two films, with Bill Condon directing. Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg said that she is, in fact, writing this particular scene into her script and explains just have graphic she expects it to be.
Continuing reading for SPOILERS on Breaking Dawn and to read Rosenberg’s updates regarding her script.
Back in June, in an interview with the LA Times, Rosenberg talked about how the fans were saying that Breaking Dawn had to be given an R rating because of the “gore and guts and sex” they had to show in scenes where Bella loses her virginity and also gives birth. Rosenberg’s response to that was “For me it’s actually more interesting to not see it. You know, you can do childbirth without seeing childbirth … it doesn’t mean it’s any less evocative of an experience.”
Rosenberg’s statement quickly prompted headlines like “Birth Scene Won’t Be In Breaking Dawn” from many news outlets and blogs, which reported this as fact, even though the screenwriter never said any scenes would be cut.
In a recent interview with Pop Sugar, Rosenberg stated that she was misquoted regarding the birth scene being cut.
That was a misquote. The childbirth “” all the scenes, I feel “” should be on screen. I think perhaps what I was referring to was, would we actually see Edward’s teeth through the placenta? I don’t think so. I don’t think we need to see that, and if someone needs to see that, I think they should take a look at that. [Laughs.] I believe it will be implied, but I don’t think we’ll see teeth in the placenta.
Rosenberg also talked about her favorite parts from the book, including when Bella becomes a vampire (see? I already know too much, wouldn’t you say?).
I think seeing Bella as a vampire and her adjusting to her powers and embracing them, those are all really fun scenes to write. Particularly when you picture Kristen Stewart playing her, and the way she’s embodied Bella as a sort of awkward, fidgety persona. When she turns into a vampire, all of that goes away.
After three books, I was actually hoping that Bella would become a vampire and finally stop being clumsy and awkward. I’m interested in finding out what Bella the vampire is like, and equally interested in how Kristen Stewart will play her in the upcoming films.
[Source via io9]
Well…you already know where I stand on the Twilight saga, books, movies, whatever, it’s an obsession for me. That being said, I’m really looking forward to Breaking Dawn and am curious as hell as to how they’ll accomplish the birth scene in particular (okay, I’d love to see the honeymoon and the loss of Bella’s virginity in the way my mind sees it, but that’s pushing NC-17, cause, ya know, I’m a perv) as it’s very intense and emotional, with Jacob also playing an integral part. I’m also anxious to see how they pull off Renesmee Cullen…this, for me at least, will be a make or break for this movie. Done wrong, it could turn out as cheesy as hell, done right (and I think lots of CGI like with the wolves is necessary here), it will be as amazing as the little half vamp half human herself is in the book. There’s my 2 pennies on that ;)
Comment by Jeannie — July 14, 2010 @ 11:11 am
big vomit :-)
Comment by scrotumbagmonkeyflicker — July 14, 2010 @ 4:19 pm