The somewhat anticipated sequel to 2009’s X-Men spinoff movie, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, is becoming more and more worth your anticipation as time moves forward. From strictly a movie fan’s perspective, Wolverine was all right as an action/superhero flick, but when you have the name Wolverine in your title, a certain level of expectation exists, and comic book fans everywhere were outraged at some of the “minor” adjustments that were made to the mythos.
Because of this, said sequel was never a very exciting prospect…not until recently. In October we found out that one of the more unlikely candidates to direct the movie, Darren Aronofsky, was in fact signing on for the job. Aronofsky has previously directed Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain, The Wrestler, and the upcoming Black Swan, so his involvement in a Marvel comic book movie was a bit strange and unexpected but exciting at the same time.
If Aronofsky’s involvement wasn’t enough to pique your interest a bit, perhaps this might. The director recently chatted with Hitfix and shared the official title for his sequel, which basically paints the movie as more of a sneaky reboot than an actual sequel.
According to Aronofsky, the movie isn’t called Wolverine 2, or Wolverine: Lost in Japan, or Wolverine: Samurai Mutant. No, no — the title of the movie will simply be The Wolverine.
To that, the director also added that this was a “one-off” job and that it wouldn’t feel like a sequel in any sense. Yes, he’s making this Wolverine movie with returning star Hugh Jackman, and it is set in Japan and involves the Samurai as we’ve heard all along, but now we know it will be Aronofsky’s alone, and will not have ties to any other X-Men content we’ve seen. At least that’s how it currently sounds.
This is brilliant, and the first time I’ve been really excited about the movie. We live in a time where movies are rebooted far too quickly, and while this isn’t technically a “reboot,” we all get the idea and understand the reasoning behind all of this: to separate themselves from the failed first movie and attempt to win back the fans that were lost.
What do you think? Finally excited about Darren Aronofsky’s non-sequel sequel called The Wolverine, or are we still skeptical of how things will play out?
Sweet!! This sounds like a move in the right direction.
Comment by The Dude Dean — November 14, 2010 @ 6:02 pm
I’m in.
Comment by cGt2099 — November 15, 2010 @ 12:08 am
Sounds great! Wolverine’s time in Japan and fighting with the Silver Samurai was a pretty great storyline. Hopefully there will be some involvement with The Hand and Wolvie’s hair-rival Matsuo Tsurayaba.
Comment by Ahren — November 15, 2010 @ 11:58 am
Comment by groonk — November 15, 2010 @ 2:54 pm
This news has made me a lot more interested in this movie. I’m almost surprised the studio would let him go ahead with anything other than an actual sequel.
Comment by Demonstrable — November 15, 2010 @ 5:59 pm
How can “we” accept a Wolverine movie that “will not have ties to any other X-Men content we’ve seen”. Epic fail. I won’t get back the $10 I wasted on “Origins” and I won’t waste another $10 on “The”.
Comment by Adam — November 16, 2010 @ 1:45 am
Wolverine vs The Hand! Let’s face it, ninjas make everything cooler. Only better option would be Omega Red as the main villain.
Comment by burning_chrome — November 16, 2010 @ 11:20 pm
Why wouldn’t “we” try to accept a Wolverine movie that “will not have ties to any other X-Men content we’ve seen?” The X-Men movies so far have been complete garbage. Aronofsky is brilliant, and certainly smart enough to separate this movie from those other disasterspieces. I do agree that it is quite surprising that Fox would let him stray from their laughable X-Men universe. We’ll have to be open-minded and see how this plays out. Omega Red is my favorite Wolverine baddie, and seeing him on-screen would be a dream come true (right behind seeing Deadpool done right!)
Comment by Jeff — November 23, 2010 @ 10:52 am
I’m a die-hard X-Men fan, and Wolverine’s my favorite. I hope Arnofsky does him justice.
Comment by Destructive Momo King — December 26, 2010 @ 2:47 pm
I like X-Men 1&2..3 was crap, X-Origins: Wolverine was TOTAL CRAP. I might trick one of my friends in to seeing this, and tell me how it was. After B-Rat and G-Hood made two consecutive flops and they are rushing this First Class movie, I’m not sure I have any faith left in FOX. Now if Marvel Entertainment started making X-Men movies we might get some stellar X-Flicks. But until then it’s mediocrity.
Comment by Scooter Pooter — January 30, 2011 @ 7:24 am