We’ve all heard of military schools and camps where kids are sent to become more disciplined, but rarely do we see a glimpse of what actually goes on at these establishments.
Now we have some rather disturbing images from one such place in South Korea where kids who fall in with gangs, skip school, and perhaps most difficult to understand, are considered “addicted” to video games are sent to get some hardcore discipline beaten into them until their future plans are of a respectable sort.
You can understand someone who falls in with a gang needing some extreme measures like this to get straight, but when a kid who plays video games is put through what you’ll see in these images? That’s just plain hard to understand. And what’s worse is that it’s the parents who sends them to these places to bear this pain.
You can see some of the images below, and you can find a few more images by clicking over to the source. Be warned: because these involve kids, certain people may find it hard to look at these images.
[Source: All Voices via Game Informer]
There’s a distinct line between lazy parenting and abusive parenting and the pics shown pretty much straddle that line occupying both zones equally well somehow. How much does sending a kid to one of these “camps” cost ? Most of the kids shown are barely teens and some are clearly not even close to puberty.
Mom & Dad: we don’t want to deal with you so we’ll let the professionals do it for us by any means necessary.
Comment by burning_chrome — January 20, 2011 @ 2:05 am
It’s hard to say what’s right and isn’t right correctional methods for the degenerates of other nations. But i do feel it’s safe to say that for the kids . . . Christ, these are kids . . . who are merely addicted to video games (a non-destructive outlet for their frustration) that these “methods” are paving the way for future carbombers and riot instigators.
Comment by Jen-Jen — January 20, 2011 @ 12:17 pm
It’s the price n00bs must pay to become l337
Comment by jwhyrock — January 20, 2011 @ 1:49 pm