In preparation for his highly anticipated upcoming series, Mark Millar will be providing an exclusive prequel to Supercrooks in the March issue of CLiNT Magazine.
The prequel, penned by Millar, will run as an in-continuity beginning to the series and should be read before starting Supercrooks as it’s critical to the upcoming series, and you won’t be able to read it anywhere else other than CLiNT.
To give a little more detail, the magazine’s editorial manager explained:
It’s a thrill to be able to publish this world-exclusive. It’s not a preview, not an excerpt, it’s an in-universe feature that delves deep into the sordid and compromising blackmail driving the story. And you won’t read it anywhere else. Supercrooks is going to be white-hot at the start of 2012, and this is a perfect opportunity to get yourself primed – whether you’re reading it in single issues or awaiting the CLiNT serialization.
The series, which has already been optioned as a major motion picture by Universal Studios, is a story about a group of super villains that all move to a centralized location in Spain to wreak havoc with no opposition. This is keeping in line with Millar’s recent fascination with the villainous and gritty side of super-heroics while also giving a nice twist of innovation to his recent works, so this could be a really interesting series to get in to. So, if your interest is piqued, make sure to pick up CLiNT #15 and continue on with the series.
To give fans a feel for what they can expect in Supercrooks, Millar gives a few more details to get readers excited:
All the superheroes live in America, so why don’t the supervillains just go somewhere else? I remember thinking that if I was the Joker or the Mirror Master or someone, I think I’d head for somewhere like Glasgow, where the worst thing that will happen is being chased by a fat cop. Supercrooks is about a bunch of supervillains who head to Spain for one last heist.
Millar has previously used CLiNT, his self-published magazine, to preview other pieces of upcoming work including Kick-Ass 2, Superior, and even Supercrooks with work from the series artist Leinil Francis Yu.
Embedded below is the teaser trailer for Supercrooks and the upcoming issue of CLiNT Magazine.
Issue #15 of CLiNT Magazine will be released in stores on March 28, 2012 in the U.S. (March 29, 2012 in the UK).
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