Dark Horse Comics announced Monday that Steve Niles and Menton3‘s Nosferatu Wars is coming to the pages of Dark Horse Presents later this year.
A while back, Steve Niles posted some artwork for the upcoming Nosferatu Wars on his twitter account, and while he’s intent on going creator owned, I for one wondered what publisher this comic would be released through. I figured that it was a safe assumption that the book would be coming out through IDW considering his working relationship with the publisher on his new 30 Days of Night ongoing series. But Monday, Dark Horse Comics confirmed that it will indeed be coming out within the pages of Dark Horse Presents. Now, in what issue in the anthology comic is a completely different story. And we still don’t have that information.
Now, you may be saying to yourself, “Not another vampyre comic! OMG when will it stop!?” And I feel your pain, I honestly do. Well, I actually don’t because if you think about it, how many superhero comics are there out there right now? And do you complain when a new superhero book comes out? Probably you do, but never mind that. What you need to take into consideration is this: Steve Niles freaking wrote 30 Days of Night and completely redefined the Vampire genre. So, if anyone should be starting a new vampire comic, it should be Niles.
While elements of this comic sound similar to certain aspects of his seminal work, that’s not a bad thing at all. In Nosferatu Wars, Steve Niles and Menton3 tell the story of vampires flourishing in the time of the Black Plague because while the humans died, so did the hunting of vampires. There’s obviously a lot of promise in this series, and if you doubt that, you obviously haven’t read any of Steve Niles’ other horror work. If Niles’ previous work is any indication, and it should be, then expect violence, intrigue, and above all else, a good story. But if you have read his work, but maybe you haven’t heard of the artist before, then just take a look at the art from Menton3 here below.
Honestly, this seems like a great comic and it will be at home within the amazing Dark Horse Presents. Seriously guys, Dark Horse Presents has the rebirth of Evan Dorkin’s House of Fun comics, Beasts of Burden, Francesco Francavilla’s Black Beetle, exclusive Hellboy and B.P.R.D. stories and now Steve Niles’ Nosferatu Wars. If you’re only reading one comic a month, it’s gotta be Dark Horse Presents.
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