While the motion gaming of the Nintendo Wii has a massive family-friendly appeal, it never much impressed more seasoned gamers who wanted less cartoony party games to play. The creation of Microsoft’s Kinect and PlayStation’s Move have opened doors to more substantial motion gaming options, but the arrival of Nintendo’s Wii U looks to be hoping to lure some of those gamers their way with the announcement of ZombiU.
Whether the game ends up being a fun zombie game or not remains to be seen, but, in the very least, it does have some cool first peeks. The first is a trailer set to a haunting rendition of British national anthem “God Save the Queen” that’s reminiscent of that fantastic first Dead Island trailer, while the second is a gameplay trailer showing off how you’ll use the Wii U.
Check them both out by continuing below.
ZombiU is a survival horror game with a big fat M rating—something very rarely seen on a Nintendo console—where players will run around London bashing in the heads of the undead. To make it a true “survival” horror game, there will not be any continuing games or saving or checkpoints or extra lives. Once you die, you are dead…and apparently this happens often. You play as one of many survivors, and you’ll be carrying a bag of zombie-killing equipment as you play. When you do die, you move on to the next survivor and have to find the zombie version of who you were just playing as and get that bag back. This goes on until all goals are completed.
[Source: Game Trailers]
Best game trailer I’ve seen in eons. Awesome looking game, too.
Comment by Seriously Spain — June 11, 2012 @ 4:40 am