Drew Struzan May Come Out Of Retirement To Draw Posters For New ‘Star Wars’ Trilogy
By eelyajekiM
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Monday, January 21st, 2013 at 8:00 pm
Disney has made poster artist Drew Struzan an offer he probably cannot refuse. While details on what Star Wars fans could see in Episode VII remain under wraps, Disney has made a few calls out to the man who drew the posters for the first six Star Wars films, to possibly draw new posters for Episodes VII-IX. Now nothing is official, but fans would certainly like to see the poster artist back at work to draw up some very exciting posters for one of the greatest sci-fi franchises of all time.
Fanhattan had an opportunity to talk to the legendary poster artist about his work, retirement, and future projects.
Here’s what Struzan had to say…
Oh, well, never say never, [laughs] because”¦in fact, I got a couple calls already this week on Star Wars from Disney. Oh my god, I’m trying to be retired! You know, I spent 35 years painting Star Wars. [laughs] I painted Star Wars before most of you were born! But I guess there is always a chance. There’s no intention. But I would love to have a day off every now and again, and I have to work a weekend and all through the night. If the opportunity arises, it will be a real temptation. But it’s going to have to be a real temptation to get me away from my wife and my little grandkids and my family. Away from the green trees and the blue skies for a change instead of just locked in the studio. But, you know, never say never. All things are possible.
I just love how he rubs in how old he is at us. Struzan did confirm that he was approached by Disney to possibly draw up some of these new posters, but it would take a great deal for him to leave retirement and return to draw. At least he is open to the idea of returning, but on the off chance he doesn’t return, I’d like to hear who he would nominate to draw/design the posters for the new trilogy.
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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