The Bionic Man vs. The Bionic Woman #1
Written by Keith Champagne
Art by Jose Luis
Colors by Inlight Studio
Letters by Marshall Dillon
Covers by Sean Chen, Adrian Syaf, Jonathan Lau, and Jack Herbert
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: January 16, 2013
Cover Price: $3.99
WHY are you reading this review instead of reading The Bionic Man vs The Bionic Woman #1? Seriously. You might just be thinking “Oh, who cares about another crossover?” Really? Because THIS crossover makes SENSE! That’s why you should care!
I will say this right now: Keith Champagne should be made the regular writer of The Bionic Man monthly series as soon as bionically possible! Good Lord, this issue is incredible! This takes place before the current Bionic Woman series, and is a REALLY great take on both characters. There’s a lot going on, but not too much that you can’t follow or you get confused by too many characters. In fact, that’s one of the book’s strengths, Champagne doesn’t introduce a dozen new characters into the mix, he uses the main characters, their supporting casts, and a villain. Let’s be honest, that’s all you need. There’s some terrific stuff in this issue, including the classic Oscar having to talk Steve into going on the mission debriefing. And treadmill running. The book starts off really intensely, slows down in the middle to develop the story, then revs right back up again at the end to leave you hanging with a breathtaking cliffhanger. Nicely done!
All right, I have to admit, I really didn’t like the art of the opening fight scene, and, I thought the book was doomed to great writing and bad art. But, I want to publicly apologize to artist Jose Luis. Maybe I just didn’t dig the first few pages, but my opinion changed super quickly when I saw the rest of the book. Like Champagne, Luis needs to be put on one of the Bionic monthlies right now! He’s got a fantastic style and ability to blend sci-fi and human drama without making one look out of place when compared to the other. And he, more than ANY other artist I’ve seen draw the Bionic Man or Woman, has a way of making them look like their 1970s counterparts while updating them for whatever you call this decade. He does a fantastic job overall and it makes me that much more excited to read the rest of this series.
Rather than give another lengthy paragraph about why you should buy this book, I’m just going to give you two small words that will make you want to buy it: Bionic. Stripper. YOU’RE WELCOME!
I’d rather see the bionic man against the t-1000
Comment by Jason Scott — January 22, 2013 @ 11:10 am