The new Marvel Cinematic Universe Blu-ray box set released on Tuesday contained a plethora of exclusive supplemental goodies not available anywhere else, including concept art from several of Marvel’s upcoming features. Most interestingly enough, the set also includes a selection of deleted scenes from Iron Man 2 and The Avengers that were not among the bonus features line-up on their respective DVD/Blu-ray releases.
Now, those scenes are available for our viewing pleasure online.
You can watch all of the videos here below, including a short featurette also included on the box set.
The Avengers deleted scenes are nothing special, mostly extensions of scenes already in the finished film. We do get to see some more action – sans completed visual effects – and a story arc consisting of a few fleeting moments from during the third act battle that beefs up the character of a waitress seen briefly in the movie. It is the sole Iron Man 2 scene that I find the most interesting. What we have here is an alternate final confrontation between Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke) that is radically different from what ultimately ended up on theater screens back in May 2010. Common knowledge has it that Iron Man 2 went into production without a completed script – a huge NO-NO to anyone lucky enough to have survived the productions of Apocalypse Now and Alien 3 – so this was most likely the ending that almost most before being discarded for a more action-packed finale. The tone is darker and more personal but it ends the movie with a whimper when it needed a bang, given the amount of build-up that came before.
Here’s a friendly reminder that these great extras – AND MORE! – can be found on the massive Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One – Avengers Assembled 10-disc Blu-ray box set now available at retailers everywhere”, and they we all silently weep as we realize that purchasing the massive set is inevitable. Make mine Marvel. Who needs healthcare anyway?
And here’s that new featurette I promised you. Behold, the making of the greatest post-credits scene in all of the Marvel movies.
[Source via Collider]
Drat the copyright bots have gotten to some of them already!
Comment by SqueakyTiki — April 5, 2013 @ 11:38 am
Disney doesn’t give out anything for free……..
Comment by Jeremy H — April 5, 2013 @ 3:35 pm
All dead links…
Comment by Daniel Sadler — April 5, 2013 @ 3:41 pm
Correction, gotten to all of them. Too bad. if the scenes had been good, I’d have considered dipping in again.
Comment by jsmith0552 — April 5, 2013 @ 5:17 pm
Comment by Justin Zobel — April 5, 2013 @ 9:47 pm
ALL the videos have been blocked by the Mouse House. Thanks for nothing, Geeks Of Doom.
Comment by Rogue Simulant — April 6, 2013 @ 4:14 pm