It’s time once again for another glorious Free Comic Book Day! It’s that most special day of the year when you can stroll down to your local comic book dispensary and partake in any number of comics (usually 3, unless you’re in the Underoo set, in which case most good stores will load you up), all for the price of nothing. It’s a great day to celebrate comics and to say thank you to your friendly neighborhood comic book store, and for them to say thanks to you. Many stores will be having special signings and appearances from local comic book people, or some other kind of festivities, so be sure to find a local store, even if you’re not a big comic fan. And bring the kids along if you have any. Any good store will have activates with them in mind, and you can maximize the free stuff you get if you bring a child with you.
And if you are a big fan already, try to buy something from the store you go to on Free Comic Book Day. I know that sounds like it defeats the purpose of the day, but the stores have costs associated with getting the comics they had out, and the owners sure will appreciate putting a little money in the coffers to recoup those costs.
Finally, if you go to a store on May 4th for Free Comic Book Day, and the store tries to charge you for any of the clearly labeled FREE books, walk out of the store and never darken their doorstep again, because they don’t deserve your business.
Let’s take a look at just a few of the books being offered on Free Comic Book Day. Availability will vary by store, but most stores should be offering these titles.
Infinty (Marvel Comics) – This will be the most “important” of the release on FCBD. Infinity kicks off the next big Marvel event and features everyone’s favorite Mad Titan, Thanos. Everyone who reads Jonathan Hickman‘s Avengers will want to get this one.
Superman Special Edition (DC Comics) – This is mostly a reprint of the first issue of the Geoff Johns/Richard Donner run on the character, although it does have a preview of Scott Snyder‘s upcoming Superman Unchained. Not the most exciting title, but it should get you pumped for Man Of Steel.
Atomic Robo & Friends (Red 5 Comics) – The FCBD edition of Atomic Robo is always a good time. This year’s is no different, featuring an all-new story by Brian Clevinger and Scott Wegener, as well as previews of other Red 5 books. This one is great for both kids and adults.
Judge Dredd Classics (IDW Publishing) – Journey into Mega City One with a reprint of some classic Judge Dredd material and get a look at what IDW is doing with the character.
Harbinger Wars (Valiant Comics) – The new version of Valiant comics has their first company-wide crossover coming, and you can see what all the hubbub is about by picking up this issue. I haven’t read a ton of the Valiant stuff, but this could get me into it. It might get you into it as well.
Molly Danger/Princeless (Action Lab Comics) – Definitely something for the younger set, especially if you have a daughter, but there’s reason this won’t appeal to everyone. Jamal Igle‘s Molly Danger is your basic action/adventure story featuring the titular Molly, protector of Coopersville. Princeless is a unique take on the fantasy genre, and does a lot of new things with the genre. You’ll be hard pressed to find a more charming book offered on FCBD.
Star Wars Captain Midnight Avatar (Dark Horse Comics)– Since today is May 4th, aka “May The Fourth” (as in May The Fourth Be With You), I have to mention Dark Horse’s Star Wars comic offering. This all-ages story features Darth Vader and Boba Fett. This issue also has a look at the new Captain Midnight series, as well as something from Avatar: The Last Airbender.
Check out the full list of books at FreeComicBookDay.com. Also, check out the reviews we have for some of these comics as well as a few others and make sure you head out and have a good time on Free Comic Book Day.
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