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Comics For Free Comic Book Day 2017
Waerloga69   |  @   |  

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Well, folks, it is that time again. It’s time for Free Comic Book Day! On May 6, 2017, comic and book shops across the known ‘verse will offer up exclusive comics to patrons for free. But it’s not just about dropping in and grabbing free loot and bailing. No, friends, this is the day you need to get out and show your appreciation for these stores. Because while the comics are free to you, they are not free to the shopkeepers. They buy those for distribution as a way of thanking us for our business. And what better way to pay it forward is there than to drop a few bucks in their businesses? I’ll leave it to you and your conscience, but know that what you do on FCBD will affect what the shops are able to do in the future. My local comic shop closed, certainly you would not want the same fate for yours, would you? Click here to find a participating comic shop near you!

But all the peer pressure aside, let us take a look at what the day will bring us in the way of comics. But remember, every shop may not have every title.

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The GoD List: Comics for Free Comic Book Day 2015
Henchman21   |  @   |  

The GoD List

Each and every week, I, “Free Comic Books?” Henchman 21 and “Free Comics Books!” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for May 2, 2015 — Free Comic Book Day. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.

Hooray! It’s Free Comic Book Day 2015, the best day of the year to find a local comic book store, head on down, and get some comics. If you’ve got a good store in the area, they should be having special events, creators signing books, or special sales. When you go to that good store, make sure you try to buy something from them today, because while these books may be free to you, they are not free for your friendly neighborhood retailer. It really helps them if you buy something. If you’ve got a bad comic store in your area, then they may be trying to charge you for these special FCBD issues. Do not let them!

We are going to do our normal thing and give you the heads up on some of the issues that you can find today. Pretty much every publisher has a special issue, although availability may depend on the stores in your area. You can also go online to find a lot of good digital deals today from online sellers.

So, let’s get out there and spread some comics love and enjoy a free as always The GoD List!

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The GoD List: Comics For Free Comic Book Day 2014
Henchman21   |  @   |  

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Each and every week, I, “Free Comics!” Henchman 21 and “No seriously, Free Comics!” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for Free Comic Book Day, May 3, 2014. Single issues and trades (Well, not trades today), they’re all here.

What’s this? Two GoD Lists in one week? It’s true, we’re here for a special edition because May 3, 2014 is Free Comic Book Day! It’s that most special day of the year when comic book stores around the country open their doors and hand out pre-selected FREE books to readers. Not only are there free books, but a lot of stores will be having special store signings and other events. So go find your local store and see what events they have planned.

What I’m going to do right now is run down some of the books being handed out, highlighting the must don’t-have-to-buy books. Remember though, that the stores actually have to pay for these comics that they are giving you for free, so do them a favor and maybe buy a couple of regular comics to give them a hand. With that public service message out of the way, onto The GoD List!

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Free Comic Book Day Is May 4th, 2013, Here’s What To Look For
Henchman21   |  @   |  

Free Comic Book Day

It’s time once again for another glorious Free Comic Book Day! It’s that most special day of the year when you can stroll down to your local comic book dispensary and partake in any number of comics (usually 3, unless you’re in the Underoo set, in which case most good stores will load you up), all for the price of nothing. It’s a great day to celebrate comics and to say thank you to your friendly neighborhood comic book store, and for them to say thanks to you. Many stores will be having special signings and appearances from local comic book people, or some other kind of festivities, so be sure to find a local store, even if you’re not a big comic fan. And bring the kids along if you have any. Any good store will have activates with them in mind, and you can maximize the free stuff you get if you bring a child with you.

And if you are a big fan already, try to buy something from the store you go to on Free Comic Book Day. I know that sounds like it defeats the purpose of the day, but the stores have costs associated with getting the comics they had out, and the owners sure will appreciate putting a little money in the coffers to recoup those costs.

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Free Comic Book Day 2013: Molly Danger #1
PS Hayes   |  @   |  

Free Comic Book Day 2013 banner

Action Lab: Molly Danger cover by Jamal IgleMolly Danger #1
Story & Art by Jamal Igle
Inks by Juan Castro
Colors by Romulo Fajardo, Jr.
Letters by Frank Cvetkovic
Editor: Adam P. Knave
Action Lab Comics
Release Date: May 4, 2013
Cover Price: FREE!

The Molly Danger #1 comic is great place for fans of anything DIFFERENT to start with. And, I do mean DIFFERENT.

Written and drawn by Jamal Igle, this comic has something in it for everyone. Like super heroes? Check! Like giant robots? Check! Like angst and drama? Check and check! Igle has managed to include everything that you want in a comic without it seeming rushed or forced. The character of Molly Danger is a fun, playful, always looking for something to get into kind of girl. And boy does she find stuff to get into here! A charming comic that will have everyone smiling.

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