Each and every week, I, “Free Comic Books?” Henchman 21 and “Free Comics Books!” Empress Eve read a lot of comics. Seriously you guys, a lot of comics. Maybe too many comics. I mean, it is possible”¦ theoretically. Naturally, we look forward to some more than others. I mean, who doesn’t? So, let’s take a look into the depths of our pull lists, grab some comics, and we’ll let YOU know what the top books to look forward to are for May 2, 2015 — Free Comic Book Day. Single issues and trades, they’re all here.
Hooray! It’s Free Comic Book Day 2015, the best day of the year to find a local comic book store, head on down, and get some comics. If you’ve got a good store in the area, they should be having special events, creators signing books, or special sales. When you go to that good store, make sure you try to buy something from them today, because while these books may be free to you, they are not free for your friendly neighborhood retailer. It really helps them if you buy something. If you’ve got a bad comic store in your area, then they may be trying to charge you for these special FCBD issues. Do not let them!
We are going to do our normal thing and give you the heads up on some of the issues that you can find today. Pretty much every publisher has a special issue, although availability may depend on the stores in your area. You can also go online to find a lot of good digital deals today from online sellers.
So, let’s get out there and spread some comics love and enjoy a free as always The GoD List!
Henchman 21

Divergence #1 (DC Comics) This will certainly be one of the bigger books for current comic readers. Divergence has three 8 page stories in it, each previewing stories that launch in June after DC comes out of its current Convergence story. There’s a Batman story by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo that wraps up Endgame and sets up the next story. Next there’s the start of the Darkseid War for the Justice League, courtesy Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok. Finally, you get the start of Gene Luen Yang’s Superman, joining John Romita Jr. There is a lot of talent showing off DC’s biggest characters and there should plenty of copies to go around.
Secret Wars #0 (Marvel Comics) Well, Marvel has been promising it for a while and time is finally up as Secret Wars kicks off with Secret Wars #0. Jonathan Hickman and Paul Renard are the creative team and they are here to provide the set up for Marvel’s big event. In addition to the Secret Wars story, Secret Wars #0 also has the official US release of Attack On Avengers, an 8 page story that has Earth Mightiest Heroes crossing over with Attack on Titan, the popular manga and anime series. This story had previously been released in Japan, but now Americans can check it out. Finally, there is a preview of for Charles Soule’s Uncanny Inhumans. Just like with DC’s book, this is a good chance for new readers to get excited for upcoming stories and is sure to be gobbled up by fans.
Avengers #1 (Marvel Comics) Secret Wars isn’t the only Marvel book though. Nope, they’ve got the first appearance of an all new grouping of Avengers. Iron man, Captain America, Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk, Vision, Spider-Man, Nova, and Ms. Marvel assemble for the first time. This is the perfect book for fans coming out of Avengers: Age of Ultron as it features all the characters from the movies as well as some new faces. This will be a great book to attract new readers.
BOOM! Studios 10th Anniversary Special (BOOM! Studios) Over the last few years, BOOM! Studios has become the premiere publisher for all-ages comics and that is the focus of their FCBD offering. BOOM! Studios 10th Anniversary Special has 10 stories from some of their most popular titles, including Lumberjanes, Adventure Time, Mouse Guard and plenty more. If you’re bringing your kids out to FCBD, and I hope you are, this is one of the books you have to get for them.
Fight Club (Dark Horse Comics) At the other end of the age spectrum, you get Dark Horse’s FCBD offering that has a preview of the sequel to Chuck Palahniuk‘s Fight Club, with art by Cameron Stewart. You also get an all-new story featuring The Goon by Eric Powell. Lastly, Guillermo del Toro‘s The Strain gets a new chapter for horror fans. So, there’s a reason this is a mature readers book, but hey, the older kids deserve free books, too.
Jurassic Strike Force 5 (Zenescope Entertainment) You may know Zenescope as that company that makes all the books with adult takes on fairy tales, and the company does have a FCBD book set in their Alice in Wonderland world. But they also have a more kid friendly book this year with Jurassic Strike Force 5 which has a team of super hero dinosaur aliens. This is the kind of thing I would have loved as a kid and it feels like so many great cartoons that I grew up with so be on the lookout for this one.
Avatar the Last Air Bender (Dark Horse Comics) Dark Horse isn’t going to leave the kids out, as they have another book with more kid friendly titles, headlined by a new Avatar: The Last Airbender story by Gene Luen Yang (him again) and Carla Speed McNeil. You can also pick this up for a new Plants vs Zombies story as well as a Bandette story featuring one of the best new all ages characters. All in all, this is a great collection of stories for young readers.
The Tick (New England Comics) Hey, it’s an all-new story with The Tick and Arthur facing down The Ticks first sidekick. It’s 32 pages of funny in full color that’s great for readers young and old.
Visit the FCBD site to see all the titles available for free today and to locate a participating store near you.
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