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‘LOST’ Showrunners Finally Reveal If Survivors Were Dead The Whole Time
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It’s already been a decade since the hit ABC series LOST debuted and four years now since it came to a controversial end, but whether you loved or hated the ending there’s no denying that the finale and the show as a whole sparked countless theories and debates on what was going on with that island and the survivors who were stranded there.

One popular theory among fans was that everyone on Oceanic Flight 815 died in the crash, and that the island was some kind of purgatory they were stuck in. This theory seemed even more likely after the finale aired.

Celebrating the ten-year anniversary of the show’s premiere recently, showrunners Carlton Cuse and Damon Lindelof as well as cast members Josh Holloway, Jorge Garcia, Yunjin Kim, Ian Somerhalder, Maggie Grace, Henry Ian Cusick, and Malcolm David Kelley answered some questions. And of course, the top question on fan minds was if the survivors were dead the whole time or not.

Click on over to the other side to the find out the answer, once and for all.

Here’s how Cuse and Lindelof responded to the big question, courtesy of Yahoo! TV:

“No. They were not dead the entire time,” Cuse said. Happy now?!

He said that theory may have been exacerbated by the closing shot of the show. An ABC executive had suggested they include a buffer between the last scene and the commercial break, so the producers found some footage of the plane fuselage sitting on the beach. That footage incited the theories that everyone aboard had actually perished.

The characters definitely survived the plane crash and really were on a very real island. Lindelof added of the incorrect purgatory theory: “For us, one of the ongoing conversations with the audience and there was a very early perception, was that the island was purgatory and we were always out there saying, ‘It’s not purgatory, this is real, we’re not going to Sixth Sense you.'”

But that scene of everyone in the church? Yeah, they’re all dead there.

Whether this satisfies you or just creates more questions, well, that’s another conversation for another day. And fitting to LOST; answers almost always breed more questions. You should always have something to discuss.

Other topics discussed includes props they grabbed from the set (Lindelof has a coffee table made out of the hatch cover), character evolution and death, Easter eggs, and the ending. You can read about all of those topics over at Yahoo! TV.


  1. What?

    Comment by TakerWillReturn — March 19, 2014 @ 10:13 pm

  2. When was this a question? All of this was answered in the final episode with Christians speech.

    Comment by stuxmusic — March 20, 2014 @ 3:38 am

  3. It was NOT a popular theory, at least not to anyone paying the slightest amount of attention to the show.

    It did NOT seem more likely after the finale, because Christian LITERALLY explained it. It could not have been spelled out more clearly than it was.

    This is terribly uninformed writing, especially for a blog with ‘geeks’ in the name.

    Comment by Crit — March 21, 2014 @ 1:16 am

  4. ‘They were dead the whole time!’ seems to only be a favorite theory of “news” publications who wanted to write about the show when it ended but had never actually watched it. It’s spelled out quite clearly in the finale.

    Comment by CookSmart — March 22, 2014 @ 2:41 am

  5. You mean this was a popular theory amongst people who did not watch the show.

    I like that this title says “finally reveal” as if the creators had ever said anything different (they hadn’t), or they’d ever avoided commenting on the matter (they hadn’t), or they hadn’t explicitly said the events on the island happened (they had).

    Comment by matthewdeaners — April 14, 2014 @ 8:14 pm

  6. Agreed, most non-geek blog post ever on a “geek” blog. No Lost geeks were ever confused about the events of the show.

    Comment by matthewdeaners — April 14, 2014 @ 8:17 pm

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