Newcastle has teamed up with The History Channel to create Vikings Amber Ale in time for the Vikings Season 3 premiere. Let me tell you-this commercial is worthy of a Super Bowl spot.
Watch the commercial here below.
It opens with the somber Vikings logo and moves into what seems to be an awful commercial with a couple of vikings sharing a superimposed beer, neon Newcastle sign in the back, and a terribly dubbed voice over chat (worthy of an old Godzilla movie), describing the “Valhalla of British beers.” It pulls out to an advertising pitch and a Newcastle rep (played by Rory Scovel of the recently canceled TBS comedy Ground Floor) is showing his commercial rough draft to some wary History Channel execs. Pointing out that “logos weren’t really a thing in the year 736,” the ad man counters with, “How important is history anyways,” with a smirk. Then he awfully (awesomely!) pitches a new concept where the vikings move to England and open a brewery, and they change Ragnar and Floki’s names to Todd and Bryan.
Then they show the new and “improved” commercial.
So we actually get three commercials for the price of one. Ah, History Channel! It’s just how I like my TV shows, commercials, and beer — multi-faceted with lots of layers.
Vikings Season 3 raids our homes this week on Thursday, February 19, 2015, on The History Channel. Season 1 (Blu-ray | DVD | Instant Streaming) and Season 2 (Blu-ray | DVD | Instant Streaming) are available now.
Need even more of a reason to jump on the viking longship with us warriors and shieldmaidens? Make sure to check out 10 Reasons To Binge-Watch “˜Vikings’ Before The Season 3 Premiere, Watch The “˜Vikings’ Webisodes ‘Athelstan’s Journals,’ and the Season 3 trailer here.
Look for Newcastle Vikings Amber Ale on tap at select locations. But don’t look for Newcastle in History’s “Vikings”, because apparently “historical accuracy” is a huuuge deal.
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