Honest Trailers: ‘Cinderella’ 1950 Animated Film (Video)
By Dr. Zaius
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Sunday, March 15th, 2015 at 12:10 pm
Capitalizing on the new Disney live-action Cinderella, the jokers at Screen Junkies introduced their latest Honest Trailer — the original animated Cinderella from 1950.
In this newest installment, they immediately address the thing that most parents said when we heard Disney was producing another Cinderella movie: “AGAIN!”.
Watch the honest trailer for the Disney’s classic 1950 animated Cinderella here below.
The SJ team takes pot shots at all the obvious old fashioned cliches, especially the obedient house-woman who uses her looks to snag a rich prince. It relishes in comparing the arcane views of the 1950s with the positive inspiring messages of today. “See the original animated classic that will cancel out all the empowering things your daughters learned in Frozen.”
They also target Cinderella’s slave status and the fact that her talking to animals might actually a symptom of her insanity. And what’s with the worst fairy godmother EVER, leaving a poor parent-less girl alone for years to be tortured and enslaved only to show up and give her… a dress and shoes! Feminism BE DAMNED!
As usual with the Disney Honest Trailers (Lion King, Frozen, and The Little Mermaid also), they mock the songs with false lyrics and insult the cast in the STARRING section. My favorite, calling the evil step-sisters the Kardashians.
Screen Junkies currently has over 4 million subscribers, and features a new Honest Trailer every Tuesday narrated by Jon Bailey.
Disney’s new live-action Cinderella, starring Cate Blanchett, Lily James, and Richard Madden (Robb Stark of HBO’s Game Of Thrones) opened in theaters this weekend – be sure to check out our full review of the film.
Honest Trailers – Cinderella
With a yet another new version of Cinderella hitting theaters, we revisit the Disney animated classic that convinced a generation of kids that mice could talk.
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Students of the Unusual™ comic cover used with permission of 3BoysProductions
The Mercuri Bros.™ comic cover used with permission of Prodigal Son Press
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