Season 2 Episode 11: “Bewilderment of Heart”
Directed by Gregg Simon
Written by Katie Gruel, Rebecca Kirsch
Created by Vaun Wilmott
Starring Tom Wisdom, Roxanne McKee, Anthony Head, Luke Allen-Gale, Carl Beukes, Shivani Ghai, Christopher Egan
Air Date: Thursday, September 17th, 2015, 10:00pm
Last week on Dominion, we lost Gates (Nic Bishop) in an extreme act of sacrifice, just when he and Alex (Christopher Egan) were on the sweet side of competitive bonding. General Riesen (Alan Dale) switched over to the angel side of dyad-ism after Gabriel executed Clementine. The human part of him could not handle the pain. Michael plays poker with the Prophet for his soul and Mallory, Alabama. Luckily he wins, but that luck will not hold out for long. William Whele (Luke Allen-Gale) allowed David (Anthony Head) to be captured by Claire (Roxanne McKee). Gabriel (Carl Beukes) dropped the Amphora into the city of Vega.
Dominion 2.11 “Bewilderment of Heart” review: Holy crap! The episode starts with a bang! The Amphora hisses through Vega, and what proceeds is a mix of everyone’s nightmares and crazed actions, and the best episode of Dominion to date. Visiting the f***d up minds of the characters, is so exciting. You can just tell the writers and actors had a blast with this. I had a hard time figuring our what was real and what wasn’t, almost like I had been affected too.
Since me and Dominion are having a lovefest about this episode, and it’s pretty much an evil acid trip, let me just list a few of the tidbits you might see in “Bewilderment of Heart” (apt name):
– David Whele having a conversation with future 8-Ball David Whele. Just more David Whele to love. And it was crazy to see that there could be a more evil version.
– Noma spreads her wings. Wait. What?
– Arika (Shivani Ghai – is chained by Claire and Rose (remember dead Rose?). Oh, and we see shapely Arika behind.
– The death of all God’s creations. You’ll see.
– William Whele eating rats.
– Claire rocking her baby. Wait. What?
– Michael’s worst nightmare – twice.
The moral of the story is our minds are our own worst enemy.
So, in every great show, there is always the one or two episodes – the episode(s) you show someone to try to get them to watch a series. In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it’s season 4’s “Hush” or season 6’s “Once More With Feeling.” In Supernatural, it’s season 5’s “Changing Channels.” In Grey’s Anatomy (Shh! Don’t tell anyone!), it’s season 6’s episodes 23 & 24, “Sanctuary” and “Death and All His Friends.” This is that episode for Dominion. This is the episode that will recruit new viewers.
My only slight complaint? It needed more Gabriel.
Dominion airs Thursday nights at 10pm ET on Syfy.
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