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J.J. Abrams Has Final Cut On ‘Star Wars: The Force Awakens’
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Star Wars: The Force Awakens JJ Abrams Daisy Ridley

One of the biggest concerns when Disney acquired Marvel Studios was that every Marvel film was going to be Disneyifed some how. Well, every Marvel film so far doesn’t open with the Disney credits, and it doesn’t feel as if Disney is interfering with Marvel Studios’ affairs, at least to some degree.

So it is easy to see how some of those same fears may have trickled down to Lucasfilm, which Disney also acquired a few years back. But since Disney isn’t meddling with any of Marvel’s offerings, it should be safe to say that they won’t get in the way of any of the Star Wars films, and Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams confirmed that he does indeed have the final cut. More on this story below.

Abrams was with Apple designer Jony Ive for an Vanity Fair event hosted by Brian Grazer. There they talked about a multitude of things, but the majority of them was reportedly about creating new worlds in an ever-changing one.

Considering that Abrams is directing one of the most highly anticipated films of the year, it’s nearly impossible for him to get away without answering at least one Star Wars-related question. So Grazer asked whether or not Abrams had the final cut, to which he said,

“”Yeah, yeah” “” but also noted that “when you do a Disney project, there’s a clause in there that you kind of go, “˜Well, if I were a lawyer I could probably drive a truck through it….’ ”

Now that clause is very important to mention for any number of reasons. With The Force Awakens easily costing nine figures in production alone, the studio felt they needed to add some sort of safety net by exerting the power to take the film away from the director if they thought it wasn’t going to meet their standards or their expectations. Not an entirely uncommon move in the business, which again the studio has put a lot of money into so yes, they need to protect their assets if they thought the film was going to be a disaster.

But since it is not, Abrams spoke highly of Bob Iger’s collaboration, and promised that even though Disney now owns Lucasfilm, The Force Awakens and future Star Wars films and their spinoffs will not be Disney-fied.

“I cannot say enough about how Bog Iger and Alan Horn have understood this thing that is now part of the Disney company,” Abrams added. “And they’re not trying to Disney-fy it, they’re not doing anything other than, I think, an incredibly smart thing, which is letting Kathleen Kennedy “” who is a remarkable person and producer “” run and lead Lucasfilm to a place where I think it wants to go.”

So there you have it, the director has the final cut, and for him to sing their praises says a lot, especially since there were rumors about him and Kennedy disagreeing with Disney that the film should have been released in the traditional Star Wars month of May, not December. But for the most part it looks like they have put their differences aside.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens stars John Boyega, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver, Domhnall Gleeson, Gwendoline Christie Andy Serkis, Max Von Sydow, and Lupita Nyong’o, and sees the return of Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, and Peter Mayhew. It opens in theaters on December 16, 2015 in France, in the U.K. on December 17, and in the U.S. on December 18.

[Source: Vanity Fair via The Playlist]

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