Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Wild Card #4
Written by Jim Butcher and Mark Powers
Art by Carlos Gomez and Sean Izaakse
Colors by Mohan
Letters by Bill Tortolini
Cover by Carlos Gomez and Mohan
Dynamite Entertainment
Release Date: July 13, 2016
Cover Price: $3.99
Before I even begin this review, where the hell is the new Dresden Files book, Jim? Enough with all this waiting crap! Okay, with that out of the way, let me just say how nice it is to have the comics to tide us over until each new book is released. All new, original stories in comic form? Take my money! Wonder why I’m so thrilled about it? Keep on reading and I’ll be happy to inform you why I am so excited for Jim Butcher’s The Dresden Files: Wild Card #4!
The setting is modern day Chicago but there is more to it than just that. Within the city, and under it, are creatures with powers that would shock and amaze you. Vampires, lycanthropes, faeries, and more share our world with us and many of them call the Windy City their home. Defending humanity from this horde of evil is a small group of locals led by Harry Dresden, wizard and warden of The White Council. Though, to be fair, he should just be entitled Badass Extraordinaire. The poor guy has survived some horrific situations and saved the world multiple times, though some were accidental.
Right this moment, however, he is traveling with Thomas, a White Court vampire (and more). On another front, two young women have been found murdered. The police blame the vampires, the vampires blame the mob, and the mob blames the police. But it’s Detective Sergeant Karrin Murphy, friend and ally to Dresden, who has uncovered the true culprit. Nearly immortal and extraordinarily empowered, this new creature from the Nevernever (the land of Faeries, both good and evil) is hellbent on killing and destroying; he’s pretty damn good at it, too.
Last issue saw Murphy defeated by the wild Fae and left for dead. A chance meeting with Marcone, head of the crime syndicate in Chicago, spurs Dresden to take chance he might not have otherwise. One thing leads to another and he finds himself face to face with this embodiment of chaos. Other, less obvious, story lines are in play but we are not privy to them all at this juncture.
Dresden’s magical abilities are well beyond the average, even for wardens of the Council. But his true strength has always been his unstoppable will, though some might call it pigheadedness. Wholly dedicated to his friends and family (what little of it he has), he will stop at nothing to set things right or, in a pinch, burn it all to the ground! Time and again he has proven his deductive skills are on par with his wizarding abilities, making him an amazing ally or a truly dangerous enemy.
This is the fourth issue, obviously, in a six part miniseries. The plot has thickened but hasn’t quite boiled over. All the pieces are on the board, but who is manipulating them? That has always been the question; one that I hope is answered sooner, rather than later.
But I can, without a doubt, attest to the fact that Jim Butcher and Mark Powers have given us another amazing story. Carlos Gomez and Sean Izaakse create a color rich and action packed series of artwork that compliments the tale and draws the reader deeper into the world of The Dresden Files. In other words, it’s got a lot going for it and kicks mucho ass. Grab this and it’s three predecessors, if you know what’s good for you!

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